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You finally slide into the seat in front of Eunji, your mind still struggling to process what had just happened. Eunji waved her hand in front of you.

"Helloooooo? Earth to Y/N. Did someone just die or something?"

Snapping out of your daze, you looked at Eunji, your mouth still hanging open. You just couldn't believe it. You shook your head slowly. Your friend sighed, exasperated.

"Then why the heck do you look like a dead fish?"

You scoff, rolling your eyes.

"I do not."

Eunji raised her eyebrows.

"Yes you do. Now spill. What happened? Did a guy ask you out? Did someone die? Did you witness a murder? Did you-"

You cut her off, laughing quietly.

"Nah. Something waaaaay better than all that."

Eunji's eyes sparkled with excitement and she leaned forward, eager. You smiled and handed her the card the man had given to you minutes earlier.

"I got scouted. By Big Hit."

Eunji's eyes widened as she looked at the card.

"Oh my gosh Y/N! That's so cooool! You think they scouted you cause of your dance? Cause I mean, you're the top student in our school. They won't find a better dancer anywhere in the world!"

You laugh, slapping her hand lightly.

"Stop exaggerating, Eunji."

Eunji grinned, resting her chin on her palm.

"I'm not. I really think you're the best dancer ever. I mean we're in the top dance school in the country. And you're the top student. How many people can be that good?"

You shrug, not bothering to argue. She smiled triumphantly.

"See? You can't argue. I win."

You shake your head and grin. Pulling your wallet from your bag, you take out a few bills and hand it to Eunji.

"I'll be going first. I'm gonna tell my parents and then head over to the company building."

Eunji grinned widely but pushed the money away.

"Its alright, Y/N. Keep the money. You didn't even eat anything. I'll pay for myself."

You grinned back and tucked the bills back into your pocket. You apologized for leaving her alone and then ran.

A few hours later, you stood in front of Big Hit's building, nervously tugging at the straps of your bag. You didn't know what to do. Should you knock? Should you just walk in? Making up you mind, your hand closed around the handle of the door and you opened it slightly, poking your head in. The receptionist looked up and smiled warmly.

"Can I help you miss?"

You stepped in, the door quietly closing behind you.

"My name is Y/N... I... I was scouted a few hours earlier..."

The receptionist's face lit up with recognition.

"Ah, yes. Y/N. Come with me please. Your parents have been informed, yes?"

You nodded. The receptionist smiled.

"Perfect! You'll be given a dorm. We expect you to move in as soon as you graduate. You graduate in a few weeks, correct?"

You nodded, excitement bubbling up inside of you. A dorm, a professional practice room all to yourself, top notch choreographers and most importantly, idols! You couldn't wait to begin.

Little did you know that training to be an idol was one of the most difficult and stressful things ever.

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