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"I didn't do it, you have to believe me."

Taehyung just watched the girl, disappointed.

"Jagi, I told you not to do anything again."

"And I didn't! Someone's framing me, I swear! I don't want to get involved in drama again, I just.. I want to live without feeling horrible about myself."

Taehyung sighed, his gaze softening.

"You've done so many things before that people are going to suspect you."

Soo Jin threw her arms up into the air in exasperation.

"If I really did it, wanting to ruin Y/N, I'd have put the batteries in her bag or something. Not mine. I'm not an idiot."

Taehyung shook his head.

"They're not going to believe you until they find out who actually did it. Apparently there were cameras, so the company is trying to contact the administration of the venue to get the footage."

Soo Jin sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god."

Taehyung's eyebrows raised slightly, but he said nothing. Instead, he took her hand in his.

"Do you want me to get you anything? A drink or something to eat?"

Soo Jin shook her head.

"I shouldn't eat so late at night."

Taehyung wagged his finger at her.

"I didn't ask what you should do. I asked what you want to do."

Soo Jin smiled at him gratefully. Her smile, however, faltered when she remembered the promise she had made to her mother.

"Why haven't you broken up with that Taehyung yet? Do it right now. Go on social media or something and post that you both broke up."



"The security tapes will be ready tomorrow, by the time your performance finishes. Once we know who did it, we'll be able to take necessary action."

Your managers glanced around nervously. Your director rarely ever addressed you as a group, normally leaving your managers to deal with issues. However, your performance had been sabotaged, which was no small thing.

You glared at Soo Jin. Because of her, because of her irrational need to always be the best, your performance, that you had worked so hard on, had been ruined.

Soo Jin had remained silent throughout the entire meeting. The director then turned to her, his gaze pointed.

"Soo Jin-ssi, you're the leader. You are meant to be exemplary for the rest of your members. You are meant to guide them and help them interact and do their job according to company rules. If we come to find that you did this, your contract will immediately be cancelled, and we'll find ways to substitute your position. Do you understand?"

Soo Jin nodded, neither denying nor accepting the heavy accusation made against her. Your blood boiled. Did she not understand how vital it was for your group to succeed as a whole? Did she not realize that making you and the rest of the group look bad wouldn't make her look any better, especially if news got out that she was the one who had done it all.

The director dismissed you before leaving. Ji Woo, noticing your murderous expression, steered you away, towards a practice room.

"Y/N-ah, don't do anything drastic. Seriously, we don't need more drama."

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