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You jumped up at the sound of a knock at your door. You threw open your door and immediately froze. Taehyung wasn't wasn't alone. Soo Jin was with him, her arm curled around his. She batted her eyelashes at you, smiling sweetly.

"Y/N-unnie, I hope you don't mind me coming here with Tae-tae."

Getting over your shock quickly, you shook you head and returned her smile.

"Of course not. I'll just make one more mug of hot chocolate. Give me a few minutes."

You had made two mugs; one for you and one for Taehyung. You handed yours to Soo Jin instead, and busied yourself with making another mug for yourself. Meanwhile, Soo Jin and Taehyung had settled at your desk, sitting uncomfortably close. You sent a quick text to Ji Woo and turned to the two, letting the milk heat up.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled as he spoke up.

"Y/N-ah, you wouldn't believe what Soo Jin wrote for me."

You raised your eyebrows at him, catching Soo Jin's smug smile. Taehyung pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and gave it to you. You unfolded the piece of paper, and began reading, your heart sinking further and further as you read. It was your poem. Soo Jin must've stolen it to give to Taehyung. You suddenly felt queasy, a bitter taste creeping into the back of your throat. You finished reading and folded the paper, handing it back to V. When you spoke again, your voice came out small and soft.

"I think it's a very.. heartfelt poem."

Taehyung grinned.

"I know! I never knew Soo Jin cared so much about me."

You forced a smile.

"Neither did I."

"We're together now."

Biting the inside of your cheek to stop the tears that threatened to well up, you nodded.

"Congratulations, Taehyungie-oppa. I'm happy for you."

Just then, Ji Woo burst in, her eyes quickly zoning in on Soo Jin and Taehyung. Before she could say anything, you spoke up.

"Ji Woo-ya! Come in, I made you some hot chocolate too."

Ji Woo just stared at you for a few moments, her expression unreadable, before she broke into a smile.

"You're the best, unnie!"

She gave you a tight hug. You quickly mixed together the chocolate and the now steaming milk and handed it to Ji Woo. Soo Jin set down her empty mug next to Taehyung's.

"We'll be going now, unnie. Thanks for the hot chocolate. You should teach me how to make it so that I can make it for Tae-tae."

You nodded stiffly.

"Of course."

Taehyung flashed you his boxy smile before he left, wrenching your heart in the process. The moment the door closed, you let go of all restraint, collapsing to the ground in tears.


Jimin gazed at you concernedly, his brow crinkled. He had one arm around you, awkwardly patting your shoulder as you sobbed. Ji Woo, on the other hand was fuming. She'd been pacing the room angrily ever since you had told her what had happened, trying to think of ways for you to show Taehyung that the poem you had written was actually yours, not hers.

It wasn't fair. Soo Jin stole your poem, which you had poured your heart into writing. You really, really liked Taehyung, and you couldn't believe that the reason you couldn't tell him how you felt was because Soo Jin had stolen your confession. And now they were together.

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