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It was New Year's, and Namjoon had chosen the day to release his song, Always. The same song that he had shown you in his studio less than a month ago, already complete. ARMYs had exploded over it, expressing their concern regarding Namjoon's emotional state. Namjoon had then gone on to reassure them that he didn't feel that way anymore.

On the other hand, your YouTube channel was positively booming, with more and more people subscribing to you every day, and more and more views rolling in. You were making some money, but it still wasn't a whole lot.

It had almost been a month since your contract with Big Hit had ended. And that was the day SM had emailed you, requesting that you work for them to train their trainees for dance. You wouldn't be a choreographer; you would just teach trainees how to dance and how to dance well. From what you had last heard from Ji Woo, she had joined SM as a trainee, so you were ecstatic to work with her again.

And sure enough, when you walked into the SM building, Ji Woo came running, slamming into you with unimaginable force as she wrapped her hands around you in a tight hug.

"Unnie! I was so surprised when they said you would be training us from here on out!"

You grinned and ruffled her hair.

"I was surprised that they contacted me at all."

Ji Woo waggled her eyebrows, leaning closer as if sharing a secret.

"I bet they're paying you quite the lump of money, hm?"

You laughed, nodding.

"You know it. By the way, Ji Woo, have you stopped talking to Jungkookie? He's a little sad about it."

Ji Woo grinned sheepishly.

"Well, I've actually found a love interest here. He's great. So adorable, and talented."

You raised your eyebrows.

"And who may that be?"

Ji Woo leaned closer.

"You absolutely cannot tell anyone. It's NCT's Mark."

Your eyes widened.




As your countdown ended, the trainees began their choreo. You were awed at how coordinated they already were. SM really made the trainees put in their hours, so while it wasn't a surprise to you that they were able to polish off their moves in a few weeks instead of a few months, you'd never seen more coordinated moves among trainees.

Heck, even some debuted idol groups weren't this on point. Even the trainees that didn't have a single dancing bone in their body still managed to make each step on beat and keep their movements precise, if not graceful.

As your practice finished for the day, you thanked your trainees for their effort, reminding them to wind down with some stretches to prevent cramps before you took your leave.

As you reached home, you received a text from Ji Woo. You opened it, confused as to why she was texting you so late.

Ji Booty: Unniieeeeeeeeee I need heeeeeeeelp >~<

You: Yeah, what's up?

Ji Booty: How do you get a guy to notice you?

You: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh

Just be nice I guess?

Ji Booty: I need more than just being nice, tell me somethingggggggggg

You: Do a sexy dance then


You: No, no no not actually oh my god. 

Seriously just talk to him more. 

And be yourself. 

If they like you, they like you.

Ji Booty: You're no fun unnie. I'll just have to learn a sexy dance myself then

You: Please, no

Ji Woo didn't reply after that, and you merely rolled your eyes before heading inside your house. You felt just the tiniest bit bad for what Mark was about to see, but you thought it would be quite amusing as well.


You concluded the recording of yet another YouTube video, this time being cheered on by BTS. They had lent you their spacious backyard to you for you to record. You thought the change of scenery would be refreshing for those watching, and the dance line's surprise guest appearances would make people go absolutely crazy.

Yoongi held the camera for you, a proud dad smile gracing his features as he watched you kill your own choreography. Namjoon stood to the side doing a seaweed dance that you greatly wished you could also record, yet every time you tried to point a camera in his direction, he abruptly stopped.

Today was one of the rare days that both you and the boys were free; usually, either you would be busy training you trainees, or BTS was busy preparing for their comeback. They were also preparing to go on tour later on in the year, and you couldn't be more proud of them. This time, their tour wasn't limited to just Korea. They were going global.

Your filming came to an end, and with a heavy heart, you packed up your things, getting prepared to head home.

That's when Hoseok stopped you.

"Why don't you stay the night? Jin's cooking, we'll have a really nice dinner."

The rest of the boys perked up at the mention of you staying over; that meant more fun for everyone. You would likely end up playing games all night long, much like you used to when all of you stayed in the Big Hit building.

True to what you thought would happen, you enjoyed a heavy, delicious meal from Jin, and then stayed up until 4 AM playing games. Yoongi was the first to retire and go to sleep, after which all the members also headed upstairs to their respective rooms.

You and Hoseok were left downstairs. Hoseok smiled at you tiredly.

"Do you want to go sleep?"

You nodded, feeling tired yourself.

"Yeah, but where?"

Hoseok scoffed, looking at you like you were absolutely bonkers.

"My room, of course."


Wink wonk.

Yeah, but I'm trying to keep this to wholesome, fluffy content, don't at me. I also think I'm dragging this out too much, so I'm gonna be concluding in a few chapters :D

Actually like

One more chapter and an epilogue.

Thanks for reading, love you guys :)

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