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***Warning*** Mentions of suicide.

"Is that what he told you? I never loved you. I was just using you to make Jungkookie-oppa jealous. But the moment I realized it wasn't working, I ditched that effort and decided to be more direct with him. I'm sorry you misunderstood."

Taehyung felt himself go numb. He opened his mouth, but then closed it. There was no point in trying to argue. He nodded curtly and left the room, his eyes too blurry with tears to see the tears in Soo Jin's eyes.


You were surprised when a bawling Soo Jin turned up at your door. She was a mess, with tears streaking down her face, her makeup smeared and her face a blotchy pink color. You were even more surprised when she squeezed you in what you could only assume was a hug. You took a few steps back, pulling her with you before you reached over her to close the door.

Eventually, Soo Jin detached herself from you and sat down on the floor, sniffling softly. You pulled a box of tissues from your desk and handed it to her wordlessly. You sat down on the floor as well, a safe distance away, wary of her squeezing you again, watching as she blew her nose loudly.

The door opened again, and in walked in Ji Woo, her hair the color of the blotches on Soo Jin's face. Her eyes narrowed at Soo Jin.

"What's she doing here?"

You shrugged.

"She turned up at the door like this and I let her in. Actually, no she was worse before. What did you do to your hair, by the way?"

Ji Woo grinned.

"Dyed it. You inspired me."

You rolled your eyes.

"I'b a horrible berson."

You frowned at Soo Jin.


Soo Jin cleared her throat and blew her nose before speaking again.

"I'm a horrible person."

Ji Woo scoffed.

"Yeah. Tell us something we don't know."

You shot a look at Ji Woo before turning back to Soo Jin.

"What's wrong?"

And so, Soo Jin launched into her story of how how her mother had scorned her for choosing Taehyung and instead forced her to win over Jungkook.

"..also wrote that tweet about Taehyung saying that we broke up."

Ji Woo and you looked at each other, gaping. You turned back to Soo Jin.

"And you're telling us this because?"

Soo Jin sniffled, looking down at her lap.

"I told Jungkook because he caught me staring at Taehyung and he told Taehyung. But when Taehyung confronted me, I told him that I never loved him and I was using him to get Jungkook."

Your eyebrows shot up.


Soo Jin shook her head.

"Because my mother would never let me and Taehyung happen and I didn't want to give him hope. I didn't want to give myself hope. Now that he hates my guts, there's no way I can ever be with him again, so I can fully focus on making my mother happy."

Frowning, Ji Woo spoke up.

"Why do you want to make your mother happy when she doesn't care about you being happy?"

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