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"She was totally faking that stage fright before, look how conceited she looks on stage this comeback"


"What's with her outfit, omg it's hideous! So glad Ji Woo and Soo Jin didn't get ignored in the fashion department HA"


"I heard Y/N cried backstage after the performance cause there weren't any fans OF COURSE THERE WEREN'T ANY, BITCH GOT THE GOOD MEMBERS KICKED OUT"


"Honestly, SO glad Ji Woo didn't leave. She's single handedly keeping this group alive."

With every new comment you read, you felt your heart beating faster and faster. You throat felt like it was choking up, like someone was strangling you and you struggled to take breath. Your vision went blurry as your eyes welled up with tears. What had you ever done to deserve this? You had worked yourself to exhaustion for your last comeback, nearly passing out from all the all-nighters you pulled redoing your songs.

You probably worked the hardest out of all the members in your group, even when Jae Hwa and Seo Yoon were still a part of your group. You wrote lyrics, you produced the songs, you helped out members with choreo, and every comeback, you were the one starting to work before any of the other members did.

Jimin, forever the king of knowing when exactly you were upset, gently pried your phone from your hands, frowning as he read the tweets you had been reading. The other boys gathered around to see what had been written.

And then, Tae exploded.


Hoseok placed a hand on Tae's shoulder in an effort to calm him down, but Tae brushed him off angrily.

"No. Time and time again, I've watched people hurt Y/N and I'm not gonna let it keep happening. I'm not gonna keep sitting on the sidelines without doing anything."

Namjoon then spoke up, his voice eerily calm.

"Tae, we're all mad. Y/N is a precious friend and none of us are happy to see her getting this kind of hate. But that doesn't mean you explode and yell at fans. Not only will it get you a negative image, but you're only adding fuel to the fire. The more reactions they get, the more they're gonna be doing it. Leave it alone."


"Leave it alone Tae."

Tae sat down, deflated, fury still burning in his eyes. You blinked the tears away rapidly, smiling weakly at the boys.

"It's alright, I'm used to these kind of comments. I was just hoping this comeback would be different because we tried our best. I guess the absence of the other members makes it so that everyone focuses more on the members remaining."

Hoseok snaked his arms around you, holding you as your body shook with the effort of not bawling in front of everyone.

Jimin's eyes were scary as he looked up at you.

"Y/N-ah, I deal with my own share of hate comments, and it's not okay. It's not okay to get used to it either. It's not right of them to say things about you when they have no idea about what kind of person you are and how valuable you are to your group. They're insensitive and they're doing it because they can and because they have nothing better to do."

Yoongi nodded.

"Chin up, kid. You're better than their lazy asses."

You smiled at the boys, a little more genuinely this time.


Your performances were cancelled. With the negativity being directed towards your group, you and your group decided it was best to lay off and finally disband. It wasn't good for the company or your group. Ji Woo packed and left, her contract terminated, while Soo Jin requested to be a solo artist.

Your contract was cancelled as well, but you didn't know what to do. Big Hit promised that they'd find a spot for you as a staff member in the dance department, but it had been a week since your contract had terminated and you still hadn't heard a single word for them.

For the brief time that you were an idol, you had made some amount of money, which you had used to buy yourself a decent house. You had considered starting a YouTube channel to make dance covers, but you weren't entirely sure about what to do yet.

Meanwhile, BTS had also moved out of their dorms into a more luxurious apartment-style place to live. All the money they earned went to them, with a small portion going to Big Hit, which meant the boys were filthy rich.

You visited them often whenever they had free time. Today was one such day. Namjoon had texted you separately, something he rarely did, asking you to come meet him. He said there was something he wanted to discuss and wanted to get your opinion on.

You found yourself plopped in front of your vanity, dabbing on foundation. You missed the days your make up was done for you, locked in place for multiple sweaty performances, but a part of you was glad you didn't have to deal with the pressure of being an idol anymore. The hate comments were subsiding.

With your finger, you carefully dabbed on some pearly eyeshadow before turning off the lights and dropping things in your purse as you prepared to leave your house. You grabbed your coat and keys on your way out, locking the door before pulling on your coat. You drove the 20 ish minutes to BTS's living quarters and knocked on the door.

A smiley Jungkook flung open the door, pulling you in a bone-crushing embrace.

"Y/N! I didn't know you were coming today!"

You smiled sheepily.

"Namjoon-oppa texted me earlier today asking me to drop by."

"Ohh, well anyway, I just made some ramen, would you like some?"

You grinned.

"Of course! You know how much I love your cooking."

Jungkook bounded away, and you stepped in, closing the door behind you. You pulled off your coat and hung it on the rack, sitting comfortably on the couch. The youngest came back with two steaming bowls of ramen balanced on a tray, clutching chopsticks with his free hand.

"It's been a while since you've visited, been busy with anything?"

You shook your head.

"Not really. I've considered starting a YouTube channel though, to make dance covers. A lot of people have been making money off of that, haven't they?"

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically.

"I see so many people doing that these days! I'm sure you'll be a hit, you're great at dancing."

You grinned gratefully, digging into your ramen. Just as you were finishing up, you heard various thumping noises, signalling Namjoon's descent. As his familiar face came into view, you grinned and waved at him. He smiled back, his deep dimples making their appearance.

"Y/N-ah, you came!"

From above, you heard Jin's voice scream.

"She's here?! Why'd nobody tell me?"

And just like that, one-by-one, all the boys came bounding down the stairs. You laughed and greeted all of them, amused by their excitement.

An annoyed Namjoon pried Jimin off of you, mock annoyance creasing his expression.

"Yah. you guys, I made an appointment with Y/N today, so leave us alone. We have important things to discuss."

At that, Hoseok raised an eyebrow, thoroughly intrigued. Hoseok stayed in touch with you every day, not failing to call you every single night before he slept. Though neither of you had mentioned a relationship again after your conversation ages ago, you knew you were slowly getting there.

"What appointment is that, may I ask?"

Namjoon winked at you conspiratorially.

"It's a secret."

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