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It was one of your rare days off. You and Ji Woo were at your parents' house. Ji Woo's parents had moved to Thailand soon after your debut, so Ji Woo had tagged along with you to meet your parents instead.

Your mother grew incredibly fond of Ji Woo within a half an hour. Ji Woo had even gotten so comfortable that she'd started calling your mother 'eomma'. (A/N: Eomma means mom just FYI) Your dad would laugh til he wheezed every time Ji Woo cracked a dad joke. Watching them, you realized how lonely they must have been in the past years as you were caught up in your life as first a trainee and then an idol.

You glanced around, and your cheeks heat up slightly to see posters of you and your group plastered on the walls. Noticing you staring at them, your mother warmly took your hand in hers.

"We're so proud of you, Y/N-ah. We can't help but brag every time someone comes over."

You grinned at her, happiness filling your being. You never wanted anything more than to make your parents while doing something you loved.

"Just watch, eomma, I'll soon buy you guys a bigger house and then you can show off even more."

Your father ruffled your hair, his face glowing. Your mother laughed.

"How's the rest of your group? You rarely mention anyone apart from Ji Woo."

You and Ji Woo shared a look before muttering 'Soo Jin' at the same time. Your mother frowned.

"Isn't Soo Jin your leader? She has a wonderful voice and seems so charmi-"

She paused, confused at the disgusted expressions on yours and Ji Woo's faces.

"What? Is she not nice?"

You rolled your eyes.

"Not nice is an understatement, eomma. She's a devil reborn, I swear."

Your mother frowned.

"But you all seem to get along so well.."

Ji Woo shook her head.

"We get along on camera, but she's actually really mean."

You both glanced at each other again, nodding before you launched into an in depth explanation of everything she'd done to you. By the end of it all, your father was glowering, a complete flip to how he was before - happy and glowy. Your mother had her hands clutched to her chest, her mouth open in absolute shock.

Ji Woo waved a hand before her face, checking to see if she was okay. Your mother snapped out of her shock and immediately enveloped the two of you in a bone crushing hug.

"My poor, poor girls, having to deal with someone so stressful! Next time she pulls anything like that, I'll sue her!"

You rolled your eyes.

"Eomma! It's not thaaat bad, okay? We can deal with her. She said she'll stop bothering us, anyway. Like, she'll probably nag and insult us, but we can ignore it."

Next to you, Ji Woo nodded as best as she could while her head was smashed against your mother's shoulder.

"Yeah! We can manage!"

Your mother let go of the both of you reluctantly, casting worried glances at the two of you. Meanwhile, you turned to your father, attempting to calm him down. He brushed you off, his eyes glowing scarily.

"Forget if she tries something else, I'm suing her right now."

You groaned.

"Appa, please. We already got into a huge big online drama for not liking each other, suing her will only make it worse. We're a team, we shouldn't be trying to ruin each other."

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