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Jungkook squirmed uncomfortably, refusing to make eye contact with Soo Jin, who was currently batting her fake lashes at him in a way that made him want to hurl. Every time he scooted a few inches away, Soo Jin would quickly close that distance between them, each time with a different excuse. Though he hated her guts, he had to applaud the sheer creativity she applied in coming up with ridiculous excuses.

Jungkook forced a smile at Soo Jin.

"So, what do you want to do for the collaboration?"

Soo Jin's face split in a sly smile, making Jungkook regret having asked that question.


Jungkook's face reddened instantly, and he bolted up from his spot, backing away into a corner.

"Alright, that's it, you psycho. Please go away. You're making me extremely uncomfortable. I'll go find someone else to pair up with."

It was taking all of Jungkook's willpower to stay polite and nice. Even though he hated her to no end, he didn't want to spout all the curses that were running through his head at her. The bitch was crazy. He didn't want to end up in a hospital.

Soo Jin pouted from the other side of the room.

"But I thought oppa was interested in me."

Jungkook's eyebrows shot up, vanishing into his coconut shaped hair.

"And what could have possibly given that away?"

Jungkook's lip curled in disgust as Soo Jin bit her lip in a horrifyingly flirtatious way, twirling her hair in the process.

"You're such a tease, oppa. Why can't you just admit your feelings for me?"

He charged for the door, throwing it open and pausing in the doorway to throw back one last remark at her before fleeing for his life.

"I'm done being polite. Please fuck off. And never talk to me again please, you psychotic creep."


Jimin doubled over, his lungs hurting from laughing so hard. Next to him, Jungkook looked like he was ready to stab the next girl he saw. Namjoon merely sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"She's going to be the downfall of BigHit, I swear."

Jimin gulped in deep breaths of air, calming down to an occasional giggle. Downfall of BigHit or not, Soo Jin would definitely be the destruction of his lungs. The girl's antics with Jungkook were so ridiculous that he'd die laughing someday.

Jungkook shuddered.

"I mean I asked what she wanted to do for the collaboration and she said 'you'; I can't tell you how violated I feel."

Jimin giggled again, stopping immediately at the younger's terrifying expression.

"Are you still on that? I'm on the part where she confessed your feelings for you."

Jungkook grimaced.

"Well I'm not her partner anymore, I told her already. She's paired with you, right Namjoon-hyung?"

Namjoon nodded wearily, his enthusiasm for the whole collaboration diminishing.

"I just hope she's not like this with me. I offered to pair with her cause we're both leaders and I thought it would be interesting."

Jungkook shrugged.

"I'll just pair with someone else. Ji Woo, maybe? Jimin, aren't you pairing with her too?"

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