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You trudge behind the other members to your practice room. You've never been more disappointed in your life. You had always imagined that idols had a glamorous life and were allowed to do whatever they wanted as long as they practiced enough. You had imagined that you would spend hours gossiping with your group members in your spare time. You imagined that your group members would be your best friends from the start. But one of them already acted like she hated you.

Ushered by the staff, you hurried into a medium sized practice room. Three staff members stood in front of the mirror, facing you. In the middle was a male manager, tall and lean, his bowl cut making him seem adorable and friendly. He was flanked by two female managers. The one to his right was of average height, her clothes loose and casual. Her black wavy hair was streaked with red and fell down to her waist. The other female manager, slightly taller, was dressed formally in a button-down shirt and pencil skirt. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun, and wire rimmed glasses sat on her nose. She was flipping through a folder furiously, not noticing that your group had arrived.

The male manager cleared his throat and smiled warmly.

"My name is Lee Jonghyuk and I'm one of your managers. I'm mostly here to carry out errands, escort you places here and push you guys to do your best."

The manager to his right grinned and wiggled her fingers in greeting.

"I'm Park Miyoung. You can call me Miyoung or Mi. I'm supposed to be in charge of your make up and your outfits, but I won't be doing much until you guys debut. Until then, I'll be carrying out errands like Jonghyuk. If you guys ever need anything, we'll both be close by at all times."

The other female manager, who had by now stopped her riffling, peered over her glasses at you and your group.

"I'm Jung Jiyeon. I'm here to plan out your schedules, appointments, practices, etc. I'll also be assigning everyone to their positions in the group. I'll also be an escort whenever you go to variety shows, concerts, and other places."

For such a stern looking person, her voice was surprisingly soft and almost motherly. She cleared her throat, taking her seat on a chair that a staff member had brought. She pulled several sheets out of her folder and gave them to Jonghyuk, who gave a sheet to each of you.

"We'll first be deciding your positions. The leader, visuals and the face of the group will be decided a few days prior to us starting your debut promotions. Today, we'll be deciding vocalists, rappers and dancers."

Jiyeon peered down at her folder, flipping a few pages.

"I have your profiles here, and there may be changes later on, but tentative positions will be assigned now. We'll start with the oldest. Kim Seo Yoon-ssi, you've been training for a while and your trainers think you're best suited for lead vocalist and lead dancer. Park Jae Hwa-ssi, you're best suited for the lead rapper. F/N L/N-ssi..."

Jiyeon looked up at you, her expression thoughtful.

"You only joined today, but we've seen you dance, and we think you'd be best as the main dancer. We'll decide where you fit into regarding rap or vocals once you train more. Park Soo Jin-ssi, you'll be the main vocalist. Finally, Lee Ji Woo-ssi, you'll be the main rapper. What Jonghyuk just handed out to you are your daily schedules for the next month. Every month, we'll make necessary changes to your schedules based on what you excel at and what you need extra help with. Once we decide that your positions are final, we'll give you new schedules that will aim to perfect the position that you've been chosen for. Around this time, you'll be interacting and practicing with idols so that you'll be ready for your own debut. If we ever have any events or programs for you to attend, you will not practice that day. 

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