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The first song went without a hitch. Your mic was thankfully in full working condition, and you could hear the crowd roar as you performed. Their enthusiasm brought a smile to your lips. The lights dimmed, and the crowd went silent, waiting with bated breath for your next song.

The next song was a slightly different one. There was a set choreography for it, but during the performance, you were told that you be allowed to wander along the stage, closer to the fans as you performed.

The lights weren't yet on; your make up was being touched up, with managers pressing ice packs to your bodies, cooling you down and wiping off the sweat that had gathered over your brows. Once you were ready, you were allowed to ascend the stage once again, and the lights slowly brightened. You wandered all over the stage, revenge forgotten. Instead, your attention was more on the adoring, awed faces of your fans as you walked along the edge of the stage, singing whenever your parts came.

You were so caught up in your ecstasy at the fans' reactions to you that when you turned around just in time to hear the snap of Soo Jin's heels, your blood chilled. You watched, horrified, as she wobbled around for what seemed like ages, too close to the edge of the stage, before she toppled over, off the stage and out of sight.

You froze. Jae Hwa, who'd been the closest to Soo Jin quickly rushed over, song and performance forgotten, and screamed, her face paling. You ran over as quickly as you could in your heels. You peered over the edge of the stage to see an unmoving Soo Jin lying on the ground in an incredibly awkward position.

Minutes after you reached, the rest of your members reached too, shouting at the nearest people to quickly call an ambulance. Ditching your heels, you carefully jumped down from the stage, holding your fingers against Soo Jin's throat to check her pulse.

You were relieved to see that her pulse was there, though weak and irregular. You sighed and backed away a little, asking the crowd if someone had called an ambulance yet. You were met with a few meek 'yes's.

The crowd the started to part as a familiar male frantically made his way through the crowd, his eyes wild and worried.


You watched as he knelt down beside Soo Jin, carefully picking her up and resting her head in his lap. He checked her pulse and sighed, relieved, before looking up at you. His dark eyes smoldered dangerously as he hugged the girl close to him. He glared at you, his rage immeasurable.

"What is wrong with you?"

The words hit you hard, and you staggered back slightly, your eyes widening as you realize what you just did. Your lips tremble, guilt and shame overcoming you.


He cuts you off rudely with a gesture.

"Don't ever talk to me again. Don't ever come near me. Ever. Touch her and I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

You nodded meekly, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Satisfied, he turned on his heel, carrying the other girl away from you. He didn't turn or glance back even once. You sank to the ground, burying your face in your arms.

'What have I become?'


Jimin and Hoseok eyed you warily as you sat in a corner, sobbing your eyes out. Jimin and Hoseok shared a look before Jimin cleared his throat to speak.

"Y/N-ah, you didn't actually want her to fall of stage, right? It's okay. Soo Jin will be fine. She has a concussion, but she'll be fine soon."

You shook your head. You hiccuped as you spoke from crying so hard.

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