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You turned around, your heart skipping a beat. Taehyung was behind you, his face impossibly blank. You could tell, however, from his clenched hands and his eyes that he was furious.


He cut you off with a wave of his hand, his poker face crumbling. Your heart twisted to see how hurt he looked.

"I don't want to know, Y/N. I came here to find out the truth about that poem Soo Jin gave to me. At first, I wanted to believe her, but Jimin reminded me that I knew you a lot better. I came here to check with you, and this is what I see you do. You knew that we wanted to keep our relationship secret but you publicized it. And you publicized a mistake that your own group member made. Soo Jin kept telling me you were a horrible person and maybe she was right."

Anger rose inside you. You couldn't believe that Soo Jin had the nerve to badmouth you, when she was the one who had hurt you and your group members so often. However, you realized, in the light of your most recent actions, Soo Jin was right. You had done something horrible.

"I know that I did something horrible. I wasn't thinking when I did it. I was acting on emotion. Soo Jin may say things about me, but she's not much better. She's continuously tried to hurt me and the rest of my group. Stealing my poem was a last straw for me. I couldn't deal with it. I poured everything I had into that poem. That poem meant more to me than "

Taehyung's expression faltered, and you could see that he desperately wanted to believe you. But he was angry. He shook his head, his expression pained.

"No matter what she did, what you did in retaliation is inexcusable. Just... stay away from me. And her. Just stay away, okay?"

With that, Taehyung turned on his heel and marched out the door.


Jungkook turned away from the computer triumphantly.

"It's deleted. I mean, a lot of people have already watched it and started posting about it online, but nobody else can watch it now."

You nodded at him gratefully. Ji Woo, Jae Hwa and Seo Yoon were sitting with you on your bed, while Jimin and J-Hope leaned against the wall. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin had been there too a while back, listening to you as you narrated everything with Soo Jin, Taehyung and your V-Live. Yoongi and Namjoon had been disappointed. It was evident in their eyes. However, they did best to comfort you before they left to talk to Taehyung. Jin had stayed a few more moments to talk to you. He was kind but stern, telling you what kind of consequences your actions would have on not just you, but your group and BTS as well. It was only then that you realized that this wasn't just about you and Soo Jin. You had dragged your whole group down in an incredibly public way. BTS would also be roped in because of Taehyung's involvement with Soo Jin.

Miyoung, your manager had already taken over your social media pages, reporting accounts that were trying to spread the news about your V Live and sending out emails, requesting the pages to take them down. Your group still wasn't incredibly popular, so not many people had seen your V Live, but since your news involved Taehyung, news had spread quickly. BTS's managers were working hard as well so that their comeback and your debut would go smoothly without any hate comments.

Jimin's phone rang loudly, snapping you out of your thoughts. He answered immediately.

"Namjoon hyung? Yeah, I'm with her. Oh. Is it bad? Okay. We'll come up. Thanks, hyung. Bye."

Jimin cut the call and looked out at everyone, his brows creasing with concern.

"Our PDs called us in for a meeting. We all have to go. BTS and you guys. All of us. We're not in major trouble, so don't worry. They want to discuss with us about how to handle everything."

You slowly got to your feet, fear seizing you. What if they punished you? What if they stopped you from debuting? Noticing the fear in your eyes, Hoseok took your hand reassuringly.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. Big Hit wouldn't lose themselves talented trainees just because of a mistake. I promise."

With that, you lead him lead you out of your room.


"Soo Jin-ssi, being the leader, we expected you to be more responsible. Whatever your reasoning was, stealing lyrics and then stealing something so private to another member and then passing it off as your own is not okay. However, that doesn't excuse what Y/N-ssi did. Both of you need to resolve this between yourselves. Publicly, however, Taehyung and Soo Jin's relationship will be confirmed, and we'll request fans to not hate on them. All of you should be focusing on your upcoming performances. Soo Jin-ssi, Taehyung-ssi, please be responsible. That is all. You may leave."

You sighed with relief, happy that you hadn't been punished. You followed the others as they left the conference room. Hoseok was outside waiting for you, his brows crinkled with concern. As you approached, he flashed you his brilliant smile - one you hadn't seen in months. Despite how horrible you felt, you couldn't help but return his smile.

"Y/N-ah, do you want to dance for a while? It'll take your mind off things."

You nodded, taking the hand he had extended to you, letting yourself be pulled away.


A little shorter than normal, but enough has happened.

The next chapter is most probably going to skip ahead to a time closer to your debut, so be ready!

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