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You clutched your graduation cap tightly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. It was finally happening! You'd graduate in an hour, and tomorrow you'd be waking up surrounded by other trainees and best of all, idols! You'd finally get to do what you've always wanted to. Being an idol meant putting your talent out to the whole nation, and possibly to the whole world. It meant dancing in front of millions, it meant singing about things that meant a lot to you, and it just meant sharing your passion with the world. You couldn't wait to train and debut.

You snapped back to reality, a barely hidden grin dancing across your face. You were just so excited! You finally heard your name being called, and you practically launched yourself on to the dais. The smiling principal handed you your diploma, shaking your hand and congratulated you on being scouted for Big Hit. You were the first student ever to be scouted even before your graduation, and everyone had been overjoyed at the news. Your dance instructor had hoped for you to get into one of the more mainstream companies like SM, but he was overjoyed nonetheless. Rumors had leaked that with you, Big Hit had completed a group of trainees that would debut in 2 years time.

You took your seat and listened to the principal speak about your college and all the successful idols that had emerged from there. The principal finally wrapped up and it was time to leave. The whole school cheered, and you, along with your graduation class, threw your caps into the air.


You tentatively stepped out from the van that had brought you to the familiar building. You'd only been to the Big Hit building once, right after being scouted, but it already felt like home. And you knew it would be. You'd be living with your fellow trainees and learning from the top choreographers all day long. Behind you, the staff unloaded your bags of clothes and your other necessities. You were finally moving in!

The building was quiet and empty - everyone except for a few staff had already retired to their rooms for the night; it was late. You stifled a yawn and glanced at the clock above the reception desk that read 11:37. It really was late. The staff led you to a temporary room where you'd stay the night before officially moving in with your assigned group of trainees the next morning. You collapsed on the small but comfortable bed, not bothering to change your clothes. Exhausted, you fell asleep almost immediately.

You were shaken awake early next morning. The clock on the desk read 4:30 AM. You squinted tiredly at the staff member shaking you.

"Y/N-ah! Wake up! You need to move in to your room and then get started on training."

Nodding sleepily, you slowly pulled yourself up. You ran a brush through your hair a few times before knotting it up into a messy bun. You showered quickly, throwing on a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt. Gathering up your bags, you followed the staff member to the elevator. You leaned against the wall yawning. You were joined by other staff members who took your bags. The elevator doors opened and you slowly trudged in.

What were they thinking, waking you up at 4:30 in the morning after an exhausting night. You desperately wanted the 8 hours of sleep you were used to, but you knew they wouldn't let you go back to sleep. You needed to train.

Oh right! I need to start training!

You instantly perked up, the excitement from last night seeping in once again. Your sleepiness disappeared almost instantly. A smile once again tugged at your lips and you started bouncing on your feet again in anticipation of meeting your new roommates. You were sort of apprehensive - you weren't that good with meeting new people, let alone living with them. But you were sure that they'd all be really sweet and accepting, like how most idols were.

The elevator dinged open at the 8th floor and the staff carried your bags out. You followed them down the long hallway. The hallways were all extremely clean, and you could hear the bustle of people getting ready. Doors were open and people were hurrying about, in a rush to get ready and start training. The staff stopped at the end of the hallway and knocked on a door. A girl who was slightly older than you opened the door. She already had her make-up on, and her raven hair was neatly brushed braided. Her dark eyes sparkled enthusiastically.

"Oh! You must be Y/N! I'm Park Jae Hwa. The other girls are getting ready, but come in! You'll be sharing a bunk bed with me. Kim Seo Yeon and Lee Ji Woo are sharing a bunk bed. Park Soo Jin has her own cot."

You step inside, your heart sinking. The room is tiny. How would five people be able to live comfortably in there? The staff dropped your bags on the floor, and after instructing you to quickly settle in, they left. You could feel Jae Hwa's gaze on you, watching you. You picked up your bags, your excitement fading.

"Where should I put my clothes?"

Jae Hwa pointed you to a tiny shelf on the far end of the room.

"We don't have much space. I hope you didn't bring too much."

Your shoulders droop even more. The tiny shelf she had pointed to you would barely fit three outfits. You had brought all your clothes - there's no way you'd have space. You'd just have to leave your bags under the bunk bed you were sharing with Jae Hwa. You disappointedly arranged three of your favorite outfits on your shelf and stuffed your bags under the bed that Jae Hwa had pointed you to. Jae Hwa sighed.

"You're disappointed, aren't you?"

You nodded hesitantly.

"I just thought we'd at least have a bigger room."

"We will. After we debut and earn money. We'll get two bigger rooms. For now, we have to deal with the smaller rooms. We won't even be in our rooms for most of the day anyway. We'll be busy training. At least the bathrooms are pretty spacious. I mean, there's three people in there right now."

Just then, a girl stepped out of the shower. Her hair was dyed a rich chocolate color and her skin was extremely pale. She was bare-faced, and she was wearing a plain black shirt and jeans.

"Oh. You're the new one. I'm Park Soo Jin."

You smiled at her, but she doesn't return the smile. Instead, she busies herself at the mirror with her make up.

As if the day couldn't get worse. What does she have against me? Why does she seem so... cold?

You sit on the bed, waiting for the others to finish up getting ready. Jae Hwa brushes on some make-up for you while you wait. A tall blonde-haired girl introduces herself as Ji Woo. Her hair is cut short in a sort of long bob, which compliments her heart shaped face. The last to leave the bathroom is Seo Yeon, petite with mint green hair that cascades down her shoulders in mesmerizing waves. You touch your own hair self-consciously, aware of how shabby you look compared to the others. The staff from before shows up once again, exasperatedly reminding you and your group to hurry up and assemble in a studio room to start training. You follow the other out of the door, your exhaustion setting in.

Nothing is how I expected it to be.

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