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Hoseok leaned his back against the wall, his gaze aimed at the sky. He had often come to the roof as a trainee, finding a strange peace in watching the clouds or the stars. He hadn't come back in a long while, and Taehyung had taken his place instead.

There wasn't much for Hoseok to do. The next comeback was scheduled for much later in the years, so the boys were all trying to relax before starting preparations for a comeback. This time, they'd decided to do something a little different for their comeback, involving solo songs.

Hoseok was finally thrilled that he and Jin would be getting songs all to themselves. Hopefully, once fans heard Jin's heavenly voice, they'd be supportive of more lines for him. As of now, Jungkook and Jimin tended to dominate the vocal aspect of their songs, with Taehyung second in line. Jin rarely got many lines, a talent that everyone was undoubtedly sleeping on. Jin's voice was absolutely angelic.

The sound of a door opening snapped Hoseok out of his thoughts. He lowered his gaze to find Eunji approaching, an odd smile on her face. Ever since she'd confessed to him, she had stopped meeting you and Hoseok at night that you had made a habit of doing. In fact, Eunji was studiously avoiding Hoseok, even when she was in need of dancing in the same room as him. Hoseok could definitely sympathize with how she felt, but he couldn't do anything about it.

However, Hoseok did find it strange that Eunji suddenly approach after months of ignoring him, his texts, his calls and all other attempts at trying to communicate with her. So when she sat down uncomfortably close to him and slung an arm around his shoulder like nothing had ever happened, Hoseok was confused.


She turned to him, her awkward smile still plastered on.


Hoseok frowned.

"I thought you were ignoring me?"

Eunji shrugged.

"I figured it wasn't fair of me to keep ignoring you. It's not  like you did anything wrong, right? It's not your fault you don't like me. Plus, I really miss talking to you."

Still finding it a little strange, but relieved that she didn't seem mad, Hoseok offered her a tentative smile.

"I missed talking to you too, Eunji."

She turned to him, her expression now dead serious.

"Okay, but tell me. Who do you actually like?"

Hoseok's frown deepened.

"Uh, wh-"

"I just need to know, oppa. I promise, if you tell me, I'll back down. I'll try my best to get over you."

Eunji gazed at Hoseok, her expression unreadable.

"Otherwise, it just feels like you're using it as an excuse to reject me. Just tell me so that I know that you actually like someone else."

Hoseok opened his mouth and then closed it, utterly and thoroughly confused. He watched as Eunji's expression turned pleading. He sighed.

"I-I really like Y/N. But please don't tell her. She likes Tae, and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have."

Eunji's eyebrows shot up, her expression turning unreadable again. Hoseok didn't quite like the look in her eyes as she stood up, dusting herself off.

"Thank you, oppa. I'll back off now. I wish you good luck with Y/N."

Shooting him an elated smile, Eunji skipped away, leaving behind a confused and concerned Hoseok.


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