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You could see their eyes shine in happiness in response to the cheers from the crowd. You were so happy that BTS was finally being acknowledged. They'd been steadily gaining popularity since the first album of the 'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life' trilogy, but now the overwhelming fans in the audience and the tremendous amount of energy surging from them was incomparable to anything you'd ever experienced before. Except maybe that one time you had been allowed the luxury of attending a Big Bang concert.

The boys joined together in a chain, their hands linked. On Namjoon's count, they bowed deeply, and then straightened, waving happily to the crowd. All of them looked stunning. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the stage.

Hoseok's stage presence, however, was formidable. He practically shone, every single movement attention demanding and definitely eye catching. It was almost as if he owned every single inch of the stage, like it was his personal territory. Though the others dominated their own speciality - Namjoon and Yoongi with their rap, Taehyung and Jin with vocals, Jungkook and Jimin with dance - Hoseok dominated them all, not just by blowing you away with his emotional voice and dance, but with his impeccable knowledge of exactly how to deliver a mind-blowing performance.

It was something you always noticed about Hoseok. He always knew how to make use of the stage and his movements to drive fans crazy. And every time he stepped on stage, he somehow just got better. Every time, you thought it would be impossible for him to get better, and yet he proved you wrong the very next time.

You weren't a die-hard fan of BTS, even before you joined Big Hit as a trainee. But you did stan Hoseok, because of said talent at being able to dominate the stage. Not to mention, his dance skills. You'd been following him since his street dancing days. You wanted nothing more than to perform on stage with him and bask in his presence from up close. Maybe it would be even more powerful up there.

The lights flickered back on as the boys left the venue. Your managers waved you over as well, ushering you and your group back into a van that would take you back to the Big Hit building. You caught fans pointing and whispering as they caught glimpse of you and your group. You merely adjusted your face mask and quickened your pace. The last thing you wanted was to be mobbed by a group of fans that recognized you.

You stayed lost in your thoughts the whole ride back to the building you'd grudgingly learned to call home. You just couldn't tear your thoughts away from Hoseok's performance, no matter how much you tried. He was just that brilliant. Once you arrived at Big Hit, and saw Taehyung step out of his van, a thought suddenly struck you. You'd completely forgotten about him and his performance in light of Hoseok's.

This struck you as quite strange. Never before have you been so overwhelmed by Hoseok's performance that you completely forgot about anyone else on the planet. Especially not Taehyung.

You snapped out of your thoughts to see Hoseok waving a hand in front of your face.

"Earth to Y/N?"

You smiled tentatively at Hoseok.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just spaced out a little."

Hoseok's brow crinkled. You couldn't help but notice how every movement of his was just so beautiful and fluid, like he was permanently on dance mode. Then, you frowned at yourself, wondering why the hell you were thinking that. Hoseok's brow furrowed even further.

"What's going on in your head? Did something happen? Do I need to beat someone up? Tell me, and I'll go kill them."

You couldn't help but laugh as Hoseok's stance got more and more aggressive. He was shooting angry glances at the men across the street from above his sunglasses. You patted his shoulder in an effort to calm him down.

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