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Needless to say, your talk with Soo Jin did not go well. Or rather, attempt to talk. You were mostly glad you got out of it alive and unhurt. Before you could get a word of your mouth, Soo Jin had stopped you and told you that she wouldn't listen to you, especially if it was about Jungkook and Taehyung. You still tried, and managed one sentence about how she was hurting Taehyung before she pushed you out of the room and slammed the door shut in your face.

And now you were on your way to Jimin to inform him about what happened, and most importantly, assure him that you were alive. You knocked before you threw open the door to Jimin's room. You marched in, only to be tackled to the ground by an ebony haired chipmunk. You laughed and pushed Jimin off of you.

"I told you I wouldn't die."

Jimin stood up, sticking out a hand to help you up.

"She landed you in the infirmary once. You think she's not capable of doing it again?"

You narrowed your eyes at Jimin.

"I thought only Taehyung knew that. And Ji Woo because I told her."

Jimin rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Taehyung tells me everything. Oh, and he told Hoseok hyung too, I think. Actually, I think he told hyung before he told me, because hyung lik-"

Jimin clapped a hand to his mouth, his eyes widening. You frowned.

"Hoseok-ssi what?"

Jimin shook his head frantically.

"Nothing, nothing. Hyung was just nearby, so Taehyung told him."

You shook your head.

"No, you were saying something else."

Jimin looked at you, feigning innocence.

"No I wasn't. Maybe you need to get your ears checked."

You rolled your eyes, finding it pointless to press further, knowing that Jimin would stay shut up like a clam.


Tae-tae: Y/N-ah, I have another theory to tell you!!! :DDD
                   Y/N-ah!!! D:
                   Don't ignore meee T-T
                   Look, you're making me cry so much

You glanced at your phone, smiling as you saw Taehyung's texts.

You: I'm right here, oppa. What's your theory?

Tae-tae: :D You're alive!!!!! :DDDDD
                   Anyway, my theory is that
                  Unicorns are actually the ones that make rainbows
                  Wherever they touch the sky
                  Their magic turns the blue sky into thousands of colors
                  And that's what makes rainbows :DD
                 Ever since
                 You said you like unicorns
                 I've been thinking about them :D

You laughed quietly to yourself. He seemed so happy and proud of himself for it that you couldn't help but want to run over to him and squeeze his cheeks. He was just so adorable.

You: Ooooo that's interesting.                              
But why think about unicorns so much?
Just because I said I like them?                   

Tae-tae: I love rainbows
                   I had a theory for rainbows
                   You love unicorns
                   So I thought you should have a theory for unicorns too
                   Do you not like it?? DDD:

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