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You felt like you were ready to collapse, but you still hit the rewind button. The music started again, and you practiced the performance once again; both your vocals and your dance. Ji Woo stood to a corner with Taehyung, both of them watching on worriedly.

Earlier, when they had asked you to stop practicing, you had snapped at them. You'd already messed up one performance, and you refused to mess up another. Your group was scheduled to perform your debut songs again in a few days, but on a different stage.

Everyone else had gone to sleep long ago, but you couldn't sleep. You wanted to do everything you could in your power to make sure you could deliver a good performance. Soo Jin hadn't given you peace for your stage fright, and tormented you every chance she got when Taehyung wasn't around.

Ji Woo stifled a yawn, glancing at her watch.

"Unnie, it's 4 AM. You should really stop and go sleep. Seriously. It's not good to overwork yourself."

You ignored her, continuing with your practice. You didn't want to sleep. You didn't want to waste precious hours when you could practice instead, even if you felt like you were close to passing out. Your tiredness caused you to stumble, and your foot twisted painfully. You cried out in pain, falling to your knees.

In a flash, Taehyung was at you side, his hands gently pulling your twisted foot from underneath you. Your ankle had already started swelling, the skin reddening. Taehyung sighed.

"Please, Y/N-ah. Stop practicing. I'll help you to your room. You should let your ankle heal. Otherwise you won't be able to perform on stage."

You shook your head weakly, attempting to get up. However, pain shot up your leg when you put your weight on it and you immediately collapsed once again. Giving you an 'I told you so' look, Taehyung pulled you up, leaning you against him. With his support, you slowly limped to your room, Ji Woo right behind you.

The last thing you remembered before you blacked out was Taehyung asking Ji Woo to take care of you.


Hoseok muttered unhappily under his breath, surveying your ankle. You frowned at him.

"Is it really that bad?"

He set your leg down and glared up at you.

"Oh yeah, it's pretty bad. You should stop dancing for a few days, until the swelling goes down. Just in case, though, you should get a doctor to look at it. You should focus on the vocals though, that's what you had trouble with last time."

You nodded. He scowled at you again.

"You should take care of yourself, you know. You have a lot of performances lined up. You can't afford to hurt yourself like that."

"I just... didn't want to mess up again."

Soo Jin scoffed. Taehyung frowned at her.

"Soo Jin-ah?"

Soo Jin shrugged.

"Overworking isn't going to help with stage fright. Everyone knows that. Y/N-unnie just has to get used to being on stage."

Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"I have an idea, though. We always come to your concerts. When you feel nervous, just look for one of us. Maybe it'll help, having a familiar face in the audience."

Gratitude flooded your heart as you smiled at Taehyung.

"That might help, oppa, thank you."

Soo Jin glared at you from behind Taehyung, and you quickly looked away.

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