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J-Hope's eyes met yours, his lips widening in a dazzling smile. He jogged over to the door, motioning for you to come inside.

"Y/N! It's been so long since I've seen you!

You smiled nervously and stepped inside, feeling the stares of the other members on you. Jungkook frowned and backed away slowly.

"Hyung? You know her?"

J-Hope nodded.

"This is the new trainee we've been hearing about. The dance prodigy. Her name is L/N F/N."

V flashed his boxy smile at you.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N-ssi."

You grinned nervously back, bowing slightly. Jungkook was watching you warily, and you remembered that he got really nervous around girls. You flashed him a smile, and he shyly returned a tentative smile. Jimin gave you his adorable eye-smile.

"What brings you down to the dance studios this late, Y/N-ssi?"

You shrug.

"Tomorrow is the day we record a song I wrote, so I'm a little nervous."

J-Hope perked up, his expression quizzical.

"You're writing your debut songs already?"

You shook your head, explaining how the company was deciding who in your group would be writing and producing your group's songs. The boys' eyes filled with respect for you as you explained how you'd written a song, only for it to be stolen, and your last minute struggle with writing a rap song.

J-Hope raised his brows.

"Raps are hard, though. How did you manage to write one so quickly?"

You shrugged, smiling.

"I don't know, really. Once I sat down and started writing, it just came out in a flow."

V clapped excitedly, his dark hair bouncing.

"Can we hear it once it's done then?"

You grinned, finding his childish excitement adorable.

"Yeah, sure. We'll be recording tomorrow, and I think I'll be finished with putting the song together in a few days, so you can hear it."

V's eyes glittered and he flashed you his boxy smile again, looking so happy that you thought you'd melt.

Just then, Jimin spoke up, his voice curious.

"Y/N-ssi, why don't you dance with us? We've all been super curious to see you in action ever since Hoseok hyung danced with you. He wouldn't shut up about how brilliant you were for a whole week."

You felt the heat rise to your cheeks and glanced sideways to see a blushing J-Hope. You nodded.

"O-okay, but what song?"

Jimin walked over to the sound system where V was, motioning for you to come along.

"Here, you pick one of our songs and dance to anyone's part that you want."

You scrolled through V's playlist of music, settling on 'Boy In Luv'. You glanced nervously at V.

"I've only practiced V's part for this song, is that okay?"

V nodded excitedly, pushing you to the center of the room.


The music started and you quickly moved to the music, feeling nervous. Dancing with J-Hope had been one thing. This time, you were doing their own dance with them watching you intently. However, you didn't let your nerves get to you. You hadn't practiced the choreography as persistently as they had. You were allowed your mistakes.

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