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You winced as Soo Jin let out a stream of curses in your direction. You were in your room now, and Soo Jin had asked to talk to you alone. You knew your "conversation" would end up a disaster, but you agreed to it anyway.

Soo Jin tried her best not to be rude to you when you were around Taehyung or any of the other BTS members, but once she got you alone, she'd be unable to stop herself. You tried your best to ignore what she said, but you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness in your heart whenever she scolded you. You hadn't meant to injure yourself on stage today. You were distracted, yes, and you shouldn't have been. However, you still thought it was really unfair that Soo Jin came after you for every single mistake you made, but never spared any attention to the extra time you'd been spending to practice.

As Soo Jin finally slowed down in her onslaught of curses and accusations, you turned to her, smiling slightly.

"I'm sorry, and I'll try my best not to mess up next time."

Soo Jin glared at you and stormed out of your room. Jiyeon, your manager had informed you earlier that because of your injury, you wouldn't be dancing on stage anymore. You'd be given a platform of your own to sit on and sing your parts. You'd be away from the group so that you wouldn't be interfering with the choreography.

You were really disappointed with how things turned out. You desperately wished that you hadn't hurt yourself, but it couldn't be helped now. You sighed and lay down on your bed, pulling the sheets over your face.


You smiled at yourself in the mirror, touching the hair pin that Hoseok had given you. You never failed to wear it during performances. It was a beautiful gift and you never failed to treasure gifts that people gave you.

You were soon called to get ready to get on stage. You had a platform that was separate from the others. A staff member helped you onto the platform and you sat comfortably on it as it rose. Another staff member was on stage to help you onto a chair which you would sit on while singing. 

You settled into place as the lights switched on, momentarily blinding you. You remembered Jimin's advice, to pretend you were just at practice. As the music started up, you closed your eyes and lost yourself in the song, imagining that you were at practice like any other day.

When your turn came, you did not fail to remember the lyrics. You sang soulfully, a smile gracing your face as you finally managed to deliver a good performance.

As the song came to an end, you broke out into a wide grin, happy that you were able to give a performance that you were proud of. The lights dimmed and you prepared for the next songs.

The rest of the performance went without a hitch, and you made yourself a mental note to thank Jimin for his advice. Imagining that you were by yourself had gotten rid of your inhibitions, and you were able to sing with your emotions.

The lights dimmed and then shut off, and the crowd's thundering applause brought you pride and happiness. Staff members rushed to you to help you off stage, and Ji Woo rushed up to you, her face half covered in a grin.


She enveloped you in a tight hug and you laughed. The other members approached as well, all smiling except Soo Jin. You felt your heart sink slightly as you saw her murderous expression. However, you soon forgot, thanks to Jae Hwa and Seo Yoon, who were overjoyed by your performance.

As soon you got backstage, you were half smothered by the BTS boys, who were impossibly excited at your success. Taehyung gave you a bear hug, his adorable smile making your heart soar. Namjoon ruffled your hair, flashing you a happy smile.

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