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You felt your heart soar as V clapped, his boxy smile making a reappearance. Jimin shook his head.

"I can't believe that just a few weeks ago Y/N was worrying about not singing well."

Jimin leaned towards you conspiratorially.

"You know I'd even say you're catching up to Soo Jin."

You punched Jimin lightly, grinning.

"Don't let her catch you saying that. She'll kill you."

V glanced towards Soo Jin.

"Well, I'd say you both are really good vocalists. You have really unique voices."

He turned back to you smiling.

"You know, your voice is sweeter. Hers is stronger. You'd both complement each other really well. Like how Jungkook and I complement each other."

You shrugged.

"I suppose."

V stood, smiling down at you.

"I'll go get us all something to drink, okay?"

You watched as he left the room, sighing. Suddenly, you felt a sharp poke in your back. You turned around to see Jimin grinning at you.

"So, Y/N. You like Tae-tae, huh?"

You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you opened your mouth to deny it. Jimin wagged a finger at you.

"Don't deny it. You looooove him."

Embarrassed, you launched yourself at Jimin, smacking him repeatedly. Laughing, Jimin put up his hands to block you.

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll stop."

You paused, narrowing your eyes at him. Jimin raised his hands in surrender.

"I swear, I'll stop."

"What'd I miss?"

You turned around to see V, holding three drinks, a slightly amused smile playing across his lips. Your face flushed a deep red and you muttered under your breath. V laughed and sat down next to you.

"Did I just miss you and Jimin fight?"

Jimin rubbed his arm, scowling.

"It was more like a one-sided beating. Man, Y/N you're strong for someone so skinny."

You crossed your arms over your chest, huffing.

"You should stop making fun of me then."

Laughing, V handed you your drink.

"I got you cranberry juice. It's your favorite drink, right?"

You nodded, blushing. 'He actually remembered?'

"I like it because it's bittersweet."


He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes, hitting the replay button. His legs were trembling, but with every practice, he found himself wanting just one more repetition. Just one more practice to make it perfect.

The music restarted and he moved to the tune, his muscles automatically moving. He no longer needed to make an effort to remember the moves; his muscles reacted to the beat without any prompting. As the final tunes of the song faded out, he collapsed, his strength gone. Even if he wanted to practice just one more time, he couldn't.


He lifted his head, squinting at the doorway. He could barely make out a familiar figure. His vision seemed blurry, which wasn't a good sign. Had he pushed himself too hard?

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