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You hadn't meant to fall asleep, but the pain medications made you drowsy and the sheets were just so soft that you had drifted off before you knew it. You had a pretty dreamless sleep; when you woke up, you couldn't recall dreaming about anything.

You shifted your pillow so that you could prop yourself up. When you reached out for more manga, you found a box on top of it that hadn't been there before. Frowning, you reached for it and opened it up quickly. You turned it upside down and shook it.

A novel of a webtoon fell out, along with a note. The webtoon seemed like a romance one. You didn't really like romance, so you set it aside and picked up the note. You could recognize Taehyung's writing.

'I'm sorry you suffered so much. Please get better soon.
Here's a webtoon that I really like. The main character
reminds me of you sometimes. I can buy the rest of the
series for you if you like the first volume.
                                                                                                   - V'

You tucked the note into the back of the novel. Opening it to the first page, you started to read.


You winced as Ji Woo bounced on the edge of the bed.

"Ji Woo, you're moving too much! It hurts!"

Ji Woo immediately stopped and grinned at you apologetically.

"Sorry unnie. Oh, I made you something!"

Ji Woo rummaged through her bag and pulled out an enormous box of what looked like some kind of food. She presented it to you with a beaming smile.

"Here! You said you like bibimbap, right? I made you some to cheer you up."

You grinned at her. Ji Woo loved cooking. Every time she found an excuse to cook, she'd take it and make a mini feast in the dorm. She was an incredible cook, and you always enjoyed eating her food.

You took the box from her excitedly. She handed you a pair of chopsticks as you opened up the lid. Not hesitating even a little, you immediately began plowing through the bibimbap, which had been made with absolute perfection. You never had better bibimbap, not even at home with your mother's cooking.

Just as you finished about half of the bowl, a familiar figure stepped into the room, his smile blinding.

"Ya, Y/N-ah, you're gonna eat all that without me?"

You glared at Hoseok, clutching the bowl closer to you.

"Nobody gets my bibimbap."

Hoseok pouted playfully, settling at the foot of your bed.

"How're you feeling though? Did the swelling go down?"

You nodded.

"Yeah it's a little better. I need to put more ice on it in a bit. The nurse gave me anti-inflammatory medicine, but I didn't want to take too much, so I haven't had any since yesterday night."

You laughed at his concerned expression.

"I'm fine, oppa. I took some pain meds this morning, so it doesn't hurt."

Hoseok's expression relaxed.

"That's a relief. I brought you something. I thought it might cheer you up."

He handed you a box of caramel candy and you squealed with delight.

"The good thing about being in the infirmary is that I get food from everyone."

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