Chapter 1

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"Daddy! Noooo!" The screams of a child echoes throughout an empty, black room and you look down to see your father's dead body next to you on the floor.

You hear your mother's cries to the other side of you. "(Y/n) I love you so much."

You look at her and pace towards her.. she holds her arms wide open for you but instead of embracing her, you pierce your red lightsaber through her body. Her eyes grow wide with betrayal but you showed no emotion in your face.

"I'm sorry, momma." You whispered to your mother and pull out your saber.

Her lifeless body falls to the ground.

"Noooo! Mommy nooo!" You hear that little voice screaming again.

You look around to find where it was coming from until you hear sniffling behind you. You turn and see your little six year old self on her knees, wearing her favorite silky pink pajamas.

You slowly walk up to her but you couldn't see her face since she was holding her hands up, covering it. She was still quietly crying until she feels your presence in front of her.

She puts her hands down and lifts her head to look at you with tearful eyes. "You're a monster."

You still have no emotion on your face as you ignite your lightsaber once again. "I know."

You lift your arm and bring it down towards her.

Suddenly you wake up with sweat and tears drenching your face. It's been twelve years since your parents died when you were just six years old but you still managed to have nightmares about it almost every night since then.

At first you would dream it as it actually happened, with Snoke killing them. But as the years progressed, you slowly gave yourself up to the dark side and your anger making your dream change into this.

You still blamed yourself for their deaths. It was because of your power in the force that caused Snoke to seek you out and take you with him, your parents dying in the process.

Because of that you felt like you didn't deserve the happy life they would've given you. You deserved to be here on The Supremacy with The First Order. You deserved to have your everyday life be filled with tiresome training, sore muscles and harsh punishments from Snoke when you didn't get something right.

You sit up from your bed and rest your elbows on your knees, dragging your hands through your (h/c) hair.

"Force, when are these nightmares going to stop?" You mumbled to yourself.

You turn your gaze to your left to look out of your small viewport that's located across from your bed. Seeing the stars slowly passing by always manages to calm you down.

You swing your legs over the side of your bed and walk down the two small steps that separate the half of your quarters that was your "bedroom" area from the other half which was the kitchen and living room area.

Walking to your kitchen, you pull out a nutrition bar from a cabinet so that you could survive the intense training you put your body through everyday.

After finishing, you walk back up the steps and towards your closet that was located on the other side of your bed.

You drag the door open and put on your training attire which was just a simple black tank and black leggings that cut off below your knee. Finally you grab your black small booties that reached up to your ankles (basically Rey's shoes from episode 7) and put them on as well.

Walking to the other side of your bed, you grab your lightsaber from your nightstand and clip it on your slim belt.

You head for the door to exit your quarters and press the button next to it. The door slides open, revealing the maze of metallic hallways. You step out of your room and walk towards Snoke's throne room.

Finally arriving, you stand in front of the large doors guarded by two of his red praetorian guards with their staffs at their side. By now they know you and immediately open the doors for you.

You walk in and see Snoke sitting on his throne as usual with the rest of his guards standing around the room. "Ahhh (y/n) on time as usual."

You walk down the long black corridor until you were at a reasonable distance from him and bend your head down. "I'm ready, master."

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