Chapter 18

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Kylo decides to head into the control center that overlooks the hangar. From there he would try to keep track of you and your ship since there wasn't much else he could do.

With a wave of a hand the doors open and he immediately heads towards a monitor.

"Which one is the Commander's ship?" He asked an officer next to him.

She slightly flinches before answering. "This one, sir."

She points to a red blinking dot moving rapidly among other green dots that Kylo assumed were the other TIE fighters out there.

He knew that you were a skillful fighter and that you knew how to protect yourself but there was just something that felt wrong. He couldn't shake away the feeling.


You decide to replace the nervous feelings with your anger.. anger towards the scum threatening your home. You kept shooting the green lasers from your ship and one by one you kept taking out a different X-wing while also getting some hits in at their cruiser.

As you're fighting you notice The Supremacy's shields forming around the ship again.

"Thank the force." You sighed.

When you look back towards the front you see an X-wing shooting a red blast right at you. You quickly steer your ship out of the way but then see him following right behind you, still trying to take you out.

You knew who he was from your past battles. He was the best pilot The Resistance had.. not even you were ever able to shoot him down. You hated that Poe Dameron.

You zoom around and over other ships to try to shake him off but he was persistent in trying to take you down.

Kylo looks out from one of the viewports to see you getting closely chased by an X-wing and you seemed to be struggling. He feels an overwhelming panic start to rise.

"Come on (y/n)." He thought to himself.

You let out a gasp as you hear Kylo's voice in your own head.

"Kylo?" You questioned.

Kylo's body gets stiff when he hears your voice echoing in his head. He wasn't sure if he was imagining things or if it actually was you.

"(Y/n), can you hear me?" He internally calls out to you once more.

Your gloved hands grip the steering wheel of the ship. "Yes.. wait so I'm not going crazy? I'm actually hearing you?"

You asked him as you were still trying to find a way to get behind the X-wing so you could finally destroy him.

"It's really me.. this must be another thing our bond can do." Kylo responded, still looking out the viewport in search of your ship.

He wasn't able to see it anymore.

You let out a small smile when you hear his voice again. It was him. It really was him.

"Kylo I.." you get cut off as a transmission comes in from the General.

"Commander.. the hyperdrive has been repaired but The Resistance Cruiser and its fleet is in full retreat. Do you still want us to go into hyperspace?" 

"Yes. We need to get to a secure location in a different system and asses the damages. Call back the fighters and then make the jump when you can." You ordered. "I'll make the jump from my ship as soon as I lose this guy."

"Very well. Do you.." the communication gets lost as you feel a violent shake causing you to jolt forward.

You let out a grunt of pain as an alert starts ringing, letting you know that one of your engines was damaged. You turn your ship around to start firing back at him but see that he wasn't there anymore.

"Next time, pilot." You hissed.


Poe quickly calls out to the other X-wings. "I got her.. you guys know what to do next. Reach out to me once it's done and I'll bring back a shuttle to the planet."

"Yes sir." They all responded back.

Poe clicks a few buttons in front of him and jumps into hyperspace to get back to the Resistance Fleet.


You begin to make your way back to The Supremacy since you knew you wouldn't be able to make the jump to hyperspace with a damaged engine.

"(Y/n).. are you okay?" Kylo begins speaking in your head once again.

"I lost an engine but I'll be fine. I'm on my way back to The Supremacy right now." You thought back to him.

Before Kylo could answer, you direct your attention to the two X-wings coming up on your right.. you turn your head to see another one on your left. None of them were the one that had shot you in the beginning.

You abruptly stop your ship and get behind them and try to quickly shoot at them but they scatter out of the way and you were only able to minimally damage one, light smoke begins emerging from it. Another one shoots at your wing causing another jerk to be felt. A loud alarm starts ringing. 

"Damn it!" You groaned.

The Supremacy was too far to make to and if you wanted to survive you needed to make an emergency landing on the planet below you. You steer your ship down and hope that the landing doesn't kill you. The three X-wings follow after you.


Kylo continues to look out of the viewport, trying to find you even though he lost sight of you a while back. He wasn't able to get through to you with the force either.

An officer quickly rushes up behind Kylo. "Sir.. we've lost track and communications with the Commander's ship."

"Where did you last receive her signal?" He asked as he slowly turns around to face the officer.

"Above the planet Tatooine." He gulped.

"Prepare a shuttle and get me a squadron of stormtroopers now!" He shouted, letting out his frustrations.

"But sir we're going into hyperspace soon." 

Kylo sticks out his hand and wraps it around the officer's neck, tightly squeezing it.

"When I order for something to be done, I expect it to be done without any objections. Understood?" His mechanical voice hissed. 

"Y-yes s-sir." He choked out.

Kylo frees him from his grip.  "Good..program the coordinates for The Supremacy's next location onto a holopad."

"Right away." He breathed out and hurriedly exits the room.

Kylo turns back around to take one last look out the viewport.

"I will find you (y/n)." He whispered.

He turns and leaves the room, heading for the hangar once again. He sees the same officer by a black shuttle with large wings extended upwards. There was also a small squadron of stormtroopers waiting next to the open ramp of the shuttle.

Kylo walks up to the officer. "Did you do as I asked?"

"Yes everything is prepared.. but you need to hurry. All the fighters have returned and we're about to make the jump into hyperspace." He replied, handing Kylo the holopad.

Kylo gives him a simple nod and calls out to the stormtroopers. "Lets go!"

He walks up into the shuttle with the stormtroopers quickly following after. The ramp closes back up and the shuttle speeds out of the hangar of the ship. 

Shortly after The Supremacy disappears into lightspeed, leaving just Kylo's shuttle flying alone in the star filled space.

"Where to now Sir?" A stormtrooper piloting the ship asked Kylo.

"There.. to Tatooine." He responded, pointing to the brown planet straight ahead.

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