Chapter 2

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Snoke chuckles darkly but it doesn't scare you like it did when you were younger. "Always eager, young (y/n) but first I have news. The boy.. he's almost ready to join us."

You pick up your head to look at Snoke, surprised. He's been taunting and trying to persuade this boy to join the dark side for as long as you could remember but with no success.. you thought that he was never going to turn him.

You knew all about him.. who his parents were, who his uncle was, but most importantly who his grandfather was.

"Ben Solo." You said out loud.

Snoke grimaces at his full name being spoken out loud.. it reminded him too much of his light side.

He shakes off your comment. "Yes, he finally sees the power the dark side holds."

What a fool. He has parents that are alive and love him. He has his uncle to train him in the light side of force so that he can one day become a powerful Jedi, and he's choosing to throw that all away?

Your thoughts get interrupted as you feel yourself get shot with Snoke's electricity. You let out a yell as you feel the shock of it coursing through your body, making you drop down to your knees. He finally stops and you were on all fours now, panting from the pain.

Even though you've endured this punishment from him for many years now, it didn't make the pain any easier.

"Be careful with those thoughts (y/n). Are you not grateful for how powerful I've made you?" He angrily asked you.

You were usually so good at blocking off your mind from Snoke, but the sudden outburst of this news distracted you.

You gather your strength to speak. "I'm sorry Supreme Leader. Yes. I am forever grateful for your teachings.. please forgive me."

Snoke still seating on his throne, gestures for you to get up. You pick yourself up to stand before him so he could continue his announcement.

"Once he's proven worthy and arrives here, I will want you to take over some of his training sessions."

You raise your eyebrows at this, confused. "But supreme leader, will you not train him like you did with me?"

You were already testing Snoke's patience so early in the day.

"Yes I will begin his training myself, but I will have to go and oversee that all is going well with the creation of Starkiller Base therefore I won't be here for some time. Your training is almost finished so you will be ready to pass on your teachings to young Solo just until I return."

Deciding not to have another blast of electricy shot through you, you give him a simple nod.

"Yes, master."

Snoke finally gets up from his throne. "Very well. Now it is time to start. We still have much to finish so that you can be done with your training by the time Solo gets here."

He motions for two of his guards to step in front of you. They get in an attack stance and ready their staffs in front of them, turning them on. The sound of the plasma on the ends of their weapons fill your ears.

At the same time you grab your lightsaber from your belt and turn it on, the red plasma shines from your black hilt. You mimic their movements and get in an attack stance with your legs apart, holding your saber with both hands in front of you.

One of them launches himself to you, swinging his staff forward but you block the hit with your saber, holding it in position. He tries to push your saber back so that he could injure you with the sharp end of his staff. You struggle to push away his weapon that was getting dangerously close to your face.

"No! Use your anger (y/n)! Let it consume you and then will that into power. You know this!" You hear Snoke yelling from his throne.

From the corner of your eye you saw the other one pacing towards you. You use the rage that you always have inside you and bring it out, kicking the one in front of you in his stomach and making him fall to the ground.

Before the other guard could attack you as well, you reach up your arm and use the force to throw him across the room. The first guard gets up from the floor and paces up to you to attack you from behind, swinging his staff at you.

You feel the attack coming as soon as he thought it and effortlessly duck down and softly laugh.

"That's cheating."

He turns around to face you, separating his staff into two long knives.

"I've always hated that weapon." You groaned.

The one that you threw with the force joins the fight again. They both charge you and you effortlessly fight both of them at the same time until one gets the better hand and stabs you on your shoulder with his knife. You let out a sharp cry and back away from him, looking at the blood emerging from the wound.

You hear another one of Snoke's taunts. "How weak! Are you not the granddaughter of a legendary and powerful Jedi?! No! You must not be!"

You were now seething with anger. You run up to disarm the one with the staff and finally knock him out with your fist, leaving you alone with the guard that hurt you.

You turn your head and glared at him. "You're mine now."

You block his attacks with your lightsaber and kick one of his knives out of his hand. You reach your hand out to him and swing your arm to the right, making his other knife get pulled out from his hand and land on the ground away from him.

You face your hand back at him again and make it into a fist.. he starts choking. You lift your forearm up, lifting him up from the ground and dragging him to you. You impale your lightsaber through his chest as soon as he was close enough.

As you take out your saber from his lifeless body you hear Snoke's yelling again, pulling you out of your blind rage.

"Foolish girl! You don't kill my guards!"

You turn off your lightsaber, hooking it on your belt again and turn your body to look at Snoke. You swear you saw a faint smirk on his face before he quickly made it disappear, almost like he was proud that you were so ruthless but that still doesn't change the fact that he's now short one guard.

He steps down from his throne and walks towards you, grabbing your face with his hand. He digs one of his long nails into the skin of your cheek dragging it all the way down to your jaw. You squeeze your eyes and wince but don't dare make a sound because you know it will only anger him more.

He releases the grip on your face and you open your eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

"Go, I hope to see that same kind of fight you displayed with my guard out in the battlefield." He snarled. 

Relieved he didn't punish you any further you bow your head. "Yes, supreme leader." And start walking out of the throne room and back to your quarters, feeling the blood rolling down your cheek.

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