Chapter 37

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Kylo.. he wasn't supposed to be here anymore. His training was supposed to be over an hour ago.. that's how it's always been but then why was he still here?

You had not felt any fear until you saw him standing right there, your love at an arms reach of Snoke.. easily exposed to his wrath like last time. All the memories were flooding your mind.. the memories of being powerless to stop Snoke.

Kylo's eyes were twice their size as he looks at you walking towards him. You move your gaze away from him to look up at Snoke.

"Compose yourself.. don't let Snoke see those emotions in your eyes."

Kylo hears your thoughts, making him try his hardest to relax his face before turning his head back towards Snoke. Even when he feels the gust of air that you bring with you once you step beside him, he doesn't move and continues to keep his gaze on his master.

You bow your head. "Supreme Leader."

"Ahhh young (y/n), it's been quite some time since our last encounter hasn't it?" He said, leaning back in his throne.

The fact that he was bringing up the day that he injured you as a way of trying to mock you was infuriating you. He truly knew how to make the hate swell in you.

You pick your head up to a normal stance, still keeping a stale look. "Yes.. quite some time." Was all you could manage to say.

"Ren, here.. he's been having trouble with tapping into the full extent of his power." He moves his elbows to his arm rests, clasping his bony hands together on his lap. "Tell me, did he have these same problems when he was training with you?"

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

That's it.. he just wants to talk about his training. You never truly updated Snoke on Kylo's training due to those events and that was all he wanted to talk about. You were fine.. Kylo was fine.

"He showed much progress when we trained, master." You shake your head. "I had no troubles with him adapting to our ways and-"

"No." Snoke interrupts you. "Ren.. He's afraid.."

Kylo furrows his forehead, keeping his view locked onto Snoke as he continues to speak poorly of him.

"Afraid of being consumed and driven by his emotions so he holds back but he will never truly know the strength they can bring wether it be fear, anger, hate, pain."

You never noticed that before when you were training with him. Sure, he would get those bursts of anger when he was pushed enough but it never lasted. He would always snap out of them midway and not be strong enough to take you down or in other cases, Snoke's guards. Is he actually afraid to lose himself? Afraid of not being able to come back and remain a slave to his emotions.. afraid of becoming consumed by the dark side like the Sith were?

"Tell me, (y/n) which emotion fueled you that day?" He smirked.

You pull your eyebrows together. "Forgive me, master but I'm not sure I know what you mean?"

"I've seen your strength in your training and battles. That was always your anger and hate at play but it was fear you felt when I threatened Kylo's life, wasn't it?"

Your blood goes cold and you feel shivers crawl up your spine. "What..."

"At the medical center, you broke that mirror so effortlessly. Without feeling the need to lift a hand or even a finger, without even meaning to." He said, still wearing that fiendish smile on his face.

"It was you? You know.." You breathed.

Kylo snaps his head towards you. "What?"

You keep your eyes locked onto Snoke. "He's known about us this whole time."

Kylo feels like someone knocked the wind out of him, quickly picking up on the situation at hand. His mouth slightly parts as he turns his head forward again, looking up at the amused look Snoke had, like as if he was enjoying the fear and shock you and him were portraying.

"How.." Kylo choked out.

Snoke lets out his dark chuckle and for the first time in forever it actually brings the hairs on the back of your neck to stand.

"Guards.." he muttered, his expression turning serious as he leans forward in his seat. "Dispose of them."

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