Chapter 23

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"We're going towards the Jundland Wastes." Kylo spoke up as he was monitoring a screen in front of him. "There's nothing there but Tusken Raiders."

You keep your gaze in front of you. "Well I don't know what to tell you. This is where the force is guiding me to."

Suddenly a large hut on the edge of Tatooine's Dune Sea appears into view.

"That's it." You said, as you guided then landed the shuttle close to the hut.

Kylo continues to look out of the viewport, towards the home outside. "Hmm. I was expecting something more than a moisture farm."

You shrug your shoulders. "Well we don't even know who it belongs to yet."

"I suppose not." Kylo replied.

You eagerly stand up, wanting to know more and walk out of the cockpit. You see troopers emerging from a door on your right and another door on your left. They stand in a straight line on either side of you, shoulder to shoulder and wait for your command. You hear Kylo's footsteps stopping behind you.

"Troopers, wait outside by the shuttle. Keep a look out and stay alert while Kylo and I investigate that hut." You said. 

"Yes Commander!" They responded without question.

You walk forward, to the ramp and open it once more. The sounds of your boots along with Kylo's and the stormtroopers stomping down the ramp filled the silent air.

Tatooine's suns were beginning to set and you couldn't help but quickly admire the view of it as you walked. You couldn't remember the last time you've seen a sunset.

You and Kylo stride up to the entrance of the home while the troopers stayed by the shuttle.

"Seems like today was meant for us to be entering stranger's homes." Kylo joked.

You snicker as you glance behind you, towards him. "It seems so." You looked back to the door again. "Do you think there's anyone still living here?"

"Well there's one way to find out." He said, extending his hand out in front of him.

"And how..."

The door abruptly opens in front of you and slams against a wall inside of the hut.

"Like that, Commander." Kylo teased behind you, as he unclipped his lightsaber from his belt.

He walks past you and into the home. You roll your eyes and grab your own lightsaber, holding it tightly in your hand just in case you needed to quickly activate it. You walk in to see a complete mess in the home. It almost looks like it had been ransacked.. as if someone had been looking for something here.

The table in the living area in front of you was flipped. A mattress was laying on the ground next to it, along with some bedsheets. There was books spread out everywhere on the floor.. some were open, others were faced down.

"Looks like we aren't the first visitors here." Kylo said, interrupting the silence.

You walk over to a small cabinet that was on the left corner of the room. All the drawers were open and it had been slightly moved away from the wall where you're sure it had originally been. You wipe a gloved finger on the surface and dust becomes collected at the tip of it.

You turn your finger around and hold it up towards him. "It must've been quite some time ago."

"What could a moisture farmer have that someone would want to find?" Kylo questioned. 

"Maybe they weren't just a simple moisture farmer." You replied as you clipped your saber back on your belt.

Kylo mimics your moves then reaches up and lowers his hood. He takes off his mask and places it on top of a small dining table that was still standing.

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