Chapter 29

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Days passed as you continued to recover in the medical bay, reading up on the life of your grandfather, learning about everything you didn't even know was possible to do with the force, making you realize that the light side was not as powerless as you thought it was. 

Kylo always made sure to visit you each day to spend his free time with you when he wasn't continuing his training with Snoke or carrying out your duties that you weren't able to tend to.

Everyday you both rejoiced in each other's arms, going in depth with each other... talking about past experiences and cherished memories. Your parents before they died, his parents when they would both be home at the same time.. a rare occasion but that's where his happiest moments lay.

Sometimes it could just be simple things, such as, your likes of sweet pastries but his dislikes of hot weathered planets. Or Kylo could talk about how infuriated he got that day from experiencing just how useless some of the personnel are. You would laugh at just how short of a temper he had.. it was even worse than yours.

But everyday that you saw Kylo, was also a day you would think about Snoke. You still didn't know if that had been him in your head or not. You could barely make out the voice since it was such a faint, low whisper but Kylo was still alive and so were you, so that must mean Snoke doesn't know.. right? Either way you didn't think it was a good idea to tell Kylo. You didn't want to burden him with a worry that could've just been all in your own head. 

"I see you're still buried nose deep in that journal." Kylo's mechanical voice said.

You looked up from the page you were so focused on to see Kylo walking into your room. This was the best part of your day and it always managed to put the biggest smile on your face.

He reaches up to his mask while continuing his steps to your bedside. With its usual low hiss emerging from it, he takes it off and places it on your bed once he was close enough.

He bends down to place a sweet kiss on your lips. You close your eyes, welcoming it by kissing him back, moving your lips against his and at the moment you swore that you would never get tired of kissing him.

"Neither will I." Kylo spoke against your lips.

You grin into the kiss, opening your eyes at the same time he opened his smiling ones.

"You nerf herder.. don't be reading my thoughts like that." You said.

You pull back to also see a smug grin forming on his lips.

"I wanted to know if I was a good kisser." Kylo replied.

You roll your eyes. "Could've just asked."

"What fun would that have been?" He joked.

"Well you are, if you must know." You raise an eyebrow. "Must have had a lot of practice."

Kylo squints his eyes at you. "Is that jealousy I sense?"

"Hmm.. you wish, Kylo." You said,  earning a chuckle from him.

"Well if you must know.." He shakes his head. "No, I never had much experience in that aspect."

"I was only a kid when I got sent to Luke's temple and when I was there I wasn't really that popular among the other students." Kylo continued.

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "But you were the nephew of thee Luke Skywalker."

"Yes and for that reason they didn't seem to like me since they thought Luke favored me, giving his nephew more attention than them but really it was all just because he sensed how strong I was in the force and was trying to get my power and emotions under control so I wouldn't stray from the light."

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