Chapter 22

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You deactivate your lightsaber and turn around to look at Kylo. Instantly your mood changes and you forget about all that death that just occurred. It was like a switch inside you had flipped and right now all you wanted to do was to hug him and thank him for finding you.. to comfort him because you were still feeling his conflict inside him.

Kylo couldn't wait till the return to The Supremacy just to have a moment alone with you. That was going to take way too long and at this moment he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms and feel you close to him, especially after he thought that he had almost lost you.

He speaks over your shoulder to the troopers. "All of you, walk back to the shuttle and bring it here. The Commander has been through enough and needs to rest."

"Yes sir." They responded.

It was a good lie but you knew the real reason why he sent them away.

You hear some shuffling behind you and then quickly their footsteps start fading away until there was nothing but silence. You quickly grab his hand and lead him inside an abandoned home, still fully intact so that you could be away from lurking eyes that might still be out there.

Kylo softly drops your hand and reaches up to remove his hood and unlatch his mask. He lets it carelessly fall to the floor. There was a smile on his face as he gazed at you and you beamed as you took in all his features. It's felt like it's been so long since you've looked into those honey brown eyes of his.

You quickly walk up to him and wrap your arms around his neck and rest the side of your face against his chest. He wraps his own arms around your waist and lets his hands rest on your lower back, gently pulling you closer to him.

"Thank you so much for finding me.. for coming for me." You breathed.

"I told you I would always be there (y/n). I swear I would've traveled the whole galaxy for you." You felt his chest vibrate as he talked.

Before you would've hesitated at his words and tried to decide if he was telling the truth or not but after all that he did today.. it basically opened the withered gates to your heart. You couldn't deny the truth to yourself any longer.. you loved him.

Kylo felt all his inner conflicts disintegrate and become replaced with warmness as soon as you enveloped him in your arms. You were the only thing that could instantly calm him and make him forget about anything bad. He's never had someone make such an impact on him like this.. he knew he loved you.

You pick your head up to look at him, unwrapping an arm from around his neck. He stares back at you as you brush your hand against his cheek. His gaze moves from your eyes down to your parted lips, causing your breath to hitch. 

Kylo couldn't hold back anymore and decides to break the tension.

He quickly moves his head down and crashes his lips onto yours, shutting his eyes as soon as he felt your soft lips. You close your own eyes and slowly kiss him back as you moved your hand to cradle his head and tangle your fingers into his hair. Finally you two were sharing that long passionate kiss that you both had been waiting for such a long time to do, melting into each other's touch.

He breaks away from the kiss for air. "(Y/n), I.. I think- no .. I.." 

You hold up a finger over his lips to stop his stuttering. "Shh. I know.. I feel it too."

A large smile grows on his face as you feel his arms tightly wrap around you and then lift you up from the ground. You let out a laugh which he cuts off as he brings his lips to yours again. You move your hands to hold his face and deeply kiss him back once again.

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