Chapter 25

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My dearest (y/n). If you've found this journal then I know that my premonitions were correct and you were born with the power of the force flowing through your veins. It has pulled you here to my home, to this journal that you're now holding.
I can't tell you how many dreams I've had about you lifting up your toys in midair or being carried in your mother's arms as she sang to you. You both looked so carefree and happy together that I would cry tears of joy when I would wake up as that was all I ever wanted for your mother.

You smiled as your vision was starting to get blurry from the tears that were forming in your eyes. You remember that.. your perfect childhood before Snoke came along. You were so happy, your mother was so happy and the joy in your home would only multiply when your father would arrive from work at the end of the day. Your mother would welcome him with a kiss and you would squeal as you ran into his open arms.

You sniffle at the memories playing in your head and rub the heel of your palm against your eyes to clear your sight before continuing your reading.

In these dreams of mine she would call you (y/n). A name that she always thought sounded so beautiful and from what I've seen, is befitting to you as you look just like her.
I have written this journal for you because I sense my end is coming and I know I will not be fortunate enough to become your grandfather and look upon you with my own eyes.

You suck in your lips, flipping onto the next pages of the journal.

But there is still so much I wanted to tell you. All the stories of my life from carrying out my last duties of watching over this troublesome boy on Tatooine, to meeting your grandmother and becoming a father and also to my time as a Jedi.
The battles I fought, the people I came across, the places I visited, The Jedi Order I served from a youngling till the end of The Clone Wars. And I'm afraid that because of the consequences of Order 66 and your mother not being a force user herself, there will be no one to teach you about the ways of the force so that is another reason why I leave you this journal as it also contains all the knowledge of the force that I've gained throughout my years. I pass it all on to you.

You feel your breath get stuck in your throat as your mouth opened in shock. From the visions you saw, you thought that all the journal would contain would be his life stories maybe some words of wisdom here and there but never did you expect he would be passing on his teachings to you. All you ever learned and knew was the dark side of the force but now you would learn the light side as well.

You grab the edge of the page to flip it once more but the sound of an alert beeping catches your attention. You look up from the journal in your hands to the monitor in front of you and see that you were quickly approaching your destination. You groan as you close the journal and grip the steering once again, getting ready for when the ship jumped out of lightspeed.

The blue and white scenery of hyperspace quickly disappears and you come face to face with The Supremacy drifting through the blackness of space. You continue to guide the shuttle closer when a communication comes in. 

"Identify yourself along with the clearance code or you will be shot down."

You look down at the radar that was next to the monitor and see four different blinking dots quickly coming up behind your shuttle.. most likely the guard ships of The Supremacy.

"Stand down. This is Commander (l/n) with Command shuttle T-4a. I'm transmitting the code now." You said, pressing the buttons in front of you.

A few seconds pass by until the officer responds. "Please forgive the interruption, Commander. You are cleared."

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