Chapter 8

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You and Kylo walk into the interrogation room and go around the cold metal table placed in the middle to face the prisoner. He was still knocked out from the force you had used to will him to sleep.

"Now before I wake him, I want you to remember everything that I had taught you in our lessons. Be ruthless and don't hold back. He is after all just Resistance scum." A tone of disgust was evident in your last words.

Kylo gives a simple nod, keeping his attention on the prisoner. "How will you wake him up?"

You take a few steps forward and raise your hand, slapping him across his pale face. "Like that."

His head harshly snaps to the side, revealing his green eyes as they abruptly open. He still has a dazed look on his face as he tries to remember what had happened. His eyes grow wide when his memory comes back to him and he snaps his head forward to see you standing there with Kylo.

"(Y/n) (l/n)." He fearfully whispered.

Kylo lets out a growl and points a finger at him. "You will address her as Commander (l/n). Nothing else."

The prisoner takes a deep gulp, trying to swallow back his fear as he takes notice of the towering black figure next to you.

"Well how rude of me! Let me introduce you to my fellow student.. Kylo Ren." You gestured towards Kylo with your hand.

"Great, there's two of you now? Just what the galaxy needs."

You let out a sinister laugh. "You're trying to hide your fear but I can still feel it flowing out of you."

"You can torture me all you want but I won't tell you anything." He spat out.

"Oh sadly I won't be the one torturing you." You begin to lean in close to him and rest your hand above his shoulder on the metal table. "The only reason you're not dead along with your friends is because I needed someone for my student to test his abilities on."

With your other hand you stroke a gloved finger underneath his chin. "And you were the lucky chosen one."

Kylo's body gets stiff and feels himself burning with jealousy as he watches your actions. He still hasn't been able to feel your touch meanwhile this unworthy man has. He didn't care if it was just through your gloves, he just wanted to feel the warmth of your hand on him.

You pop back up to your normal height. "Now! Let's have some fun!"

Turning your head back to Kylo, you whisper to him. "Find out where his base is located. I guess it'll be fun to take down another one."

You back away towards the wall so you could watch the show.

"Yes, Commander."

He reaches his hand out toward the man's fearful face and begins concentrating, closing his eyes.

"Feel his mind.. envision yourself holding it on the palm of your hand." He hears the sound of your voice behind him, motivating him to try harder so that he doesn't disappoint you.

You hear the prisoner let out a stifled grunt as his face starts to exhibit pain, making you smile. "Good.. now claw your way in and don't stop until you find what you need. Ravage through his mind."

Kylo opens his eyes and sees the sweat starting to form on the man's pained face as he starts taking fast breaths in. Kylo bends his arm back making the prisoners head lift up from the table. As he extends his arm straight again, the man's head slams back onto the metal table.

He begins to scream in agony. "Stop!"

Kylo begins to rummage through his memories. He sees him as a child, looking up to his father that was wearing an old rebellion uniform. Then he sees him older standing next to a grave with flowers in his hand as tears silently spill from his eyes.

Useless memories with no information. He digs deeper into his head. Finally he sees him with his girlfriend that he had met on a Resistance base.

The base. There it is.

The prisoner lets out another long cry. "Please! Stop!"

Kylo lets go of his hold. The man hangs his head down and his brown hair was now wet from the sweat drenching his face. He was so drained from the pain.

Kylo turns around to see the proud look you had on your face. "I found it. I know where the base is."

"Lets go kill some Resistance scum then." Nodding your head at him and exiting the room, Kylo following close behind.

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