Chapter 30

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After what seemed like a long week, you were finally well enough to leave the medical bay. As much as you loved being able catch up on sleep and rest that made up for the past decade of not having either, you still wanted to get back out onto the field. You missed the action, the adrenaline, the danger, the success.. you missed it all.

You change into your uniform, hooking your lightsaber onto your belt. You take one last look at the broken mirror in front of you, staring at the two cuts on your face that have mostly faded away and the bruises almost blended back into the color of your skin. You bend down and pick up the plain white gown from the floor, throwing it on the end of the bed as you step out of the bathroom

Checking the time, you see that Kylo was probably still training with Snoke. You huff with an annoyed look on your face and grab your journal from the bed. You walk over to the door and press button next to the door, making it slide open and letting you walk out of your short lived room.

You find your way out of the doors of the medical bay and into the halls of a new day on The Supremacy. You greet it with a step forward, moving alongside the troopers walking the halls with you. Their eyes trying hard not to stare at their Commander that has been absent for some time.

You walk into the large cafeteria of the ship since you knew that today was the only day of the month they served your favorite pastry and you just needed something different from the bland food they were giving you in the medical bay. The sweet aroma of the buttersweet puffs being brought fresh out of the oven always took you back to your short childhood and of how your mother would always bake them for you.

"Commander (l/n)!" The old cook greeted you from behind the counter. "I was afraid I wasn't going to see you this month! Let me go pack some for you."

You nod your head in response, letting him go to the back towards the kitchen.

When you first arrived onto the Supremacy he was the only one to show you any sort of kindness. Buttersweet puffs were rarely offered in the cafeteria but when he discovered that it was your favorite he found a way to incorporate it onto the schedule, once a month just for you. He was definitely under your short list of tolerable people on this ship and only because of how damn good he makes those pastries.

As you continued to wait patiently you hear a lingering thought from someone.

"And to think I admired her but the moment that Kylo Ren steps aboard she quite literally faints into his arms, loses a battle, and disappears for a week. Must be some man behind that mask of his."

You instantly twist your body around in a quick motion with enraged eyes. Whoever dared to think such things around you must want a death sentence. You search through the rows of lunch benches, your eyes darting from the helmet-less stormtroopers and officers sitting and eating or walking with trays in their hands until your eyes find that of a wide eyed woman who rapidly looks down to the food in front of her, pretending to play around with it but it was too late.. you had already decided her fate for her.

You extend an arm out with the fingers of your hand spread apart and use the force to throw her off the edge of the bench as you flick your arm towards the right. She lands on the floor, rolling as you had thrown her harder than you thought. She stops herself on all fours, taking a long, raspy breath in as the wind had gotten knocked out of her. The rumbling, echoing talk of the cafeteria ceased immediately.. everyone looking up to observe and hear the scene at hand.

Her back rises and falls as she finds her breath again but not for long. She bends a knee in front of her, resting a hand on top to pick herself up but as soon as she stands up you quickly swipe your hand down and she slams back onto the floor, hitting it face first with a yelp of pain.

You bend your elbow and bring your arm back, dragging her against the floor towards you until she was right in front of your boots. She laid still, afraid that if she were to move again it would only cause you to inflict more pain. Her cheek was pressed against the floor, arms by her side.

You couldn't see her face as you looked down at her but you could still hear her taking sharp exhales of breath through her nose.. you could still feel the pain and regret emerging from her.

"I was only gone for a week and already you forgot where you stand?" You asked. "Well.. more like where you lay."

You raise your hand upwards, bringing her up to stand on her own feet and see the blood running down her broken nose. Her scared green eyes were almost bulging out of her skull, her short, brown hair disheveled from the crash as it fell around her face. She looked to be middle aged and her uniform showed signs of superior officer.

"You think that a woman with your age and rank would be wiser." You continued as you squint your eyes. "But I guess not."

"I- I'm sorry." She whispered. "I forgot- I wasn't thinking whe-"

"No you weren't." You coldly interrupted her.

"Please." Her voice cracked as tears begin spilling from her eyes.

"You had forgotten who I was." You discreetly unclip your lightsaber from your belt as you continued to look her in the eyes. "Let me remind you."

You ignited your saber and with a swift push of your arm, you stabbed it straight through her torso. Her crying instantly stopped as she gasped. Her eyelids flutter, fighting to stay open until they slowly give up and close. With a grunt, you pull out your crimson lightsaber from her and let her now dead corpse fall to the ground.

You look up to see startled eyes of all colors flickering their gaze back and forth, from the body on the floor to yourself.

"If you value your pitiful lives I suggest keeping my name out of your mouth and thoughts." You growled, turning off your lightsaber and hooking it back on your belt. "I will not tolerate any disrespect from anyone."

Still dripping with anger, you quickly glide out of the cafeteria, not even wanting what you came for in the first place. Everyone in the halls quickly scramble and scurry out of your way as they know that all too familiar look in your eyes. You just continue to stomp with clenched fists and a palpitating heart, pumping more fury into your veins.



Now that the ruthless commander is out of the med bay we can finally go back to the story!
Side note: Sorry for the crappy gif.. I couldn't find a particular one that I wanted for this chapter so I had to make my own which resulted in this low quality one since you have to pay to make it HD but ah well! Until next week, my lovely readers!:-)

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