Chapter 24

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You and Kylo quickly pull apart as the deadly switch goes off in both of you. He paces to the front of the home, towards the dining table to grab his mask. You quickly follow behind him and go outside as soon as he puts it back on. You both emerge from the home, activating your lightsabers' but there was no view of any kind of battle on the ground.

A stormtrooper yells from the direction of where the shuttle was. "Commander! It's the Resistance! They're attacking from the skies!"

You look up to see a squadron of X-wings making their way back around to your direction to shoot once again. As they near, you recognize the black and orange ship that belonged to Poe Dameron. You feel your blood boil in your veins at the sight of it.

A pull on your arm causes you to look back down and see Kylo trying to drag you back over to the shuttle.

"(Y/n)! We have to get back!" He shouted, yanking your arm again.

You deactivate your saber and quickly clip it back on your belt. You grab his hand and run back towards the ship with him as you gripped the journal in your other hand. The fire from the X-wings hit the mountain tops near you, causing the rocks to break off and fly in the air then tumble down but Kylo quickly waves his hand at them causing them to stop before they could hit you and him.

More shots of multiple blasts hit the sandy ground as they quickly follow behind you and Kylo until you safely make it back inside the shield protected shuttle. You snap your body around to look back outside and see a stormtrooper that was firing at the X-Wings get shot in his chest and crash to the floor.

"Damn it.." You muttered under your breath. "Get it now troopers!" You yelled at the other five troopers that were still shooting up towards the sky.

They all stop their fire to run up the ramp and you close it as soon as everyone was in. You turn around to see Kylo quickly make his way to the cockpit and follow him. He sits himself down on the pilots seat.

"What are you doing?" You asked behind him as he began powering up the ship.

He turns his head slightly to the side. "Trust me to do this. Piloting is in my blood, after all."

You smirk and walk over to the other seat next to him.

"I do trust you." You said, flipping switches in front of you. "I'll be in charge of the weapons then."


"They must have them imprisoned inside their shuttle." Poe spoke into the comlink of the ship. "We can't let them escape.. aim for their shield generator!"

"Understood." The other X-wings responded, keeping their fire on the shuttle that was now speeding through the sky.

"Poe are you sure that they're there?" He heard Leia call to him from a Resistance base.

"They have to be." Poe muttered as he pursued the shuttle.

"We can't risk losing more people.. not after what happened at that base on Dantooine." Leía sadly said.

"Yea and you know who was responsible for that?"

A crease forms between his eyebrows as he thought about the friends he lost on that base.

"The Commander that is on that shuttle right now... she is the one who led that raid." Poe continued.

Leía softly sighs. "The purpose of this mission is to bring Keira, Xander, and Probos home."

Poe jerks his ship to the side to avoid the oncoming fire from the black shuttle.

"I know but taking down that monster would be a bonus." He said, gritting his teeth together.

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