Chapter 28

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With a heart full of joy, you lift your upper body up from the bed and wrap your arms around his torso only for Kylo to wince at your hug, sucking in a deep gust of air through his clenched teeth.

You immediately pull away with a worrisome look on your face and Kylo takes a step back from your bed. You could tell just by looking at him that he was mentally scolding himself over something.

"What is it?" You asked. "What happened?"

Kylo sighs, keeping his eyes locked onto a distant wall. "I didn't want you to know."

"Kylo.. what exactly happened after you took the blame for me?" Your body begins to tense up. "What did Snoke do?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Kylo immediately responded while trailing his eyes back down to meet yours.

You slowly shake your head. "I told you- I told you not to say or do anything."

"(Y/n), I couldn't just stay back and watch-"

"Oh force.." you interrupted him. "Did he suspect anything of us?"

"No." He starts taking slow steps towards you. "Snoke suspects nothing."

You sigh, feeling relief and rest your hands on the bed to continue holding your upper body off the bed. Looking up to the ceiling, you start thanking the force.

Kylo's fingers dragging down the skin of your arm makes you shift your gaze towards him again.

"I'm sorry." You softly said. "I'm just.. afraid to lose you."

"I will always be here with you (y/n)." He reassured you with a small smile.

You return his smile but it quickly fades away. "Does it still hurt?"

"What?" He asked.

"Your back." You responded.

Kylo flattens his lips, wishing that he hadn't reacted to the pain. He didn't want you to find out what had happened to him so you wouldn't feel the same blame that he did. It wasn't your fault but he knew that just like him you would somehow convince yourself it was.

He shakes his head. "No.. don't worry."

You furrow your eyebrows, hating yourself for not being strong enough to take Snoke's torture, making him pass it on to the only person you care about.

"It isn't your fault, (y/n)." Kylo sternly said, interrupting your thoughts.

You sigh looking into his tired eyes. "And what happened to me wasn't your fault either. Kylo, we really need to stop blaming ourselves for Snoke's actions."

"You're right, it's just going to drive us mad." Kylo chuckled.

You let out a quiet exhale of amusement with a smile. He always knew how to make your mood change instantly even when he was dead tired.

"You need to rest." You said, grabbing his hand that was still soothingly dragging up and down your arm.

"I'm fine (y/n)." His tone showing a hint of annoyance.

"Please." You brought the back of his hand up to your face, against your cheek and leaned into his knuckles. "For me."

You looked up at him with the biggest porg eyes you could summon. Kylo purses his lips together, trying to resist but it was all in vain.. it only took ten seconds before he let out a long defeated sigh.

"Very well.."

A prideful smile forms on your lips.

"But I will be back first thing tomorrow morning."

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