Chapter 35

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Kylo wakes up to a stirring next to him. Immediately, he opens his eyes in instinct as he knew by now what was going on. He turns his head to see you sleeping on your back with a tightened face, your breathing becoming uneven as your nightmare was about to visit you again.

His eyes soften as he scoots closer to you and reaches over to your arm to pull you onto your side and face him. Almost by instinct too, you spread your arm across his chest as you curl up against him and bury your face closer to the source of warmth that you were feeling close to you.

He has one arm wrapped around you, letting his hand rest on top of your shoulder. With his other arm, he places it across his chest as he reaches down to stroke a thumb against your cheek. He feels your body slowly go limp as you relax into his arms and pulls back his head to look down at you, resting peacefully as you have been for the past week now.

Whenever your nightmares would start, all he would have to do is have you feel him close to you. He would just need to reassure you that he was there and just like that you would surely go back to having a blissful sleep.

Eyeing every feature of your resting face, your soft expression, your now steady breaths and gentle complexion.. he felt happiness in his soul just from simply seeing you have dreams instead of your nightmares. Slowly, his eyes flutter shut with a smile as he goes back to sleep along with you.

The clock on your nightstand rings in front of you, letting you know that it was now time to start a new day. You hastily lift your arm off the bed and turn it off before allowing it to chime a second time. When your hand bounces back down on the mattress you feel your elbow crash onto Kylo's large hand laying on your ribcage. You pull back your arm to rest your hand on top of his as you feel him snuggled up against your back.

His slow breaths told you that he was still sleeping and you were glad. You liked having him wake up to your affection rather than some annoying ringing. It was basically your way of saying thank you for making the nightmares stay away another night.

You grab his hand and bring it your lips, giving gentle kisses. You hear him take in a deep gust of air through his nose as he shifts to lay on his back. You turn your body and quickly straddle him but as you're sitting on top of him you become reminded of how much of a heavy sleeper he is as he was still fast asleep, not even being phased from you climbing on top of him.

You bend down to slowly pepper his jaw and then cheek with kisses, finally getting results when you see him turn his head with partly opened eyes. A smile forms on his face once he blinks out of his sleepy daze and sees you clear as day, looking back at him with a loving gaze.

"Good morning." He murmured, his voice still groggy.

"Hi there." You whispered.

"Five more minutes?"

You snicker at his childlike plea. "I'm afraid not. Your training starts in thirty minutes and I also have to get ready to attend a meeting about our finances."

He squeezes his eyes shut as he pouts, thinking of the long day to come filled with long tasks. The only thing he ever had to look forward to was when the day was over and he could finally go and be with you, away from prying eyes.

You put a hand against his cheek, making him open his eyes. "Come on, the sooner we get our things done, the sooner we can come home to each other."

"Well you've should've said it like that in the first place." He said before picking his upper body off the bed to kiss your smiling lips. He grips the bottom of your thighs and suddenly stands up on top of the bed with you in his arms.

"Kylo!" You squealed, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He grins as he carefully steps off the bed, still holding you. "Like you said the sooner we get things done, the sooner we can come back to this but first a shower."

Kylo walks you into the bathroom as you laughed, quickly shutting the door behind him not even wanting to fight him against it.


Snoke decided to add an extra hour to his training today and after a two and a half hour session, Kylo feels completely wiped out as his sweat filled body trembled with exhaustion.

"You did well today, Ren." Snoke's gravely voice rumbled throughout the room.

"Thank you, master." Kylo replied before bending down to grab his helmet off the floor, readying himself for when Snoke dismisses him.

"But you're still failing to show me all that you can be." Snoke leans forward in his throne. "What do you presume it will take for you to finally unlock that rage that lives in you?"

Before Kylo can even answer his riddle, he hears the doors of the throne room open behind him, making him turn his head to see you walking in. His eyes grow wide as you make your way to his side to stand in front of Snoke as well.. the only sounds now being your boots meeting the sleek black floor.

You try your best to keep your face as emotionless as possible but as soon as your eyes laid upon Kylo, you felt your heart plummet to your stomach as you remembered that the last time both of you were in this room together, it ended horribly for you and him.


You guys!!!! This is it!! This is the start of the truth!! A whole bunch of sh*t is about to go down and I'm so excited for you guys to read it!!!

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