Chapter 20

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The door slams open causing the two pilots to snap their bodies towards it. The blue Duros from before runs in, panting.

"There's troopers rampaging through the town!" He yelled out. "They're destroying everything and someone wielding a lightsaber is leading them here!"

You bask in the fear emerging from all three of them with a smile on your face.

The girl turns around to face the man. "What do we do?"

"We have to go." He responds to her.

"But she killed Theo! She has to pay!" She tried to argue back.

"It's is not worth our lives!" The Duros said.

"The whole point of this was to get Theo back.. not to get revenge." The man tried persuading her.

The girl knits her eyebrows in frustration and turns to you, punching you in the face once more. This time you feel the pain mostly on your cheek, causing a low grunt of pain to escape your lips.

"I will kill you one day." She said gritting her teeth.

"Not if I get you first. Remember I made a promise to Theo." You taunted her, putting emphasis on his name.

"Lets go Keira!" The man said pulling on her arm.

They all run out and exit, leaving you in the room by yourself. Shortly after you hear the door slamming open again. You turn your head to see that it was Kylo walking in this time, with his lightsaber ignited in his hand and your heart starts pounding against your chest at the sight of him. A couple of stormtroopers come in after him, ready to attack with their blasters at hand.

Kylo scans the room for anyone else but it was just you. He turns off his lightsaber and clips it on his belt as he strides across the room. He crouches down in front of you.

"(Y/n)." He said, gently grabbing your face in his hands.

"Kylo." You smiled at him.

Relief washed over him now that he finally found you.. now that you were safely back by his side. He felt whole now. But he quickly sees that you didn't come back to him unharmed.

"These injuries on your face.. did they do this to you?" He asked you as he looked at the blood and bruises.

"I'm afraid so." You responded in embarrassment.

Kylo snaps his body back to his full height, letting his hands fall back to his sides as he balled them up into fists. You were hurt and he felt it was his fault for not getting to you sooner.

"I'll kill them for this." He hissed out.

"Free me from this and I'll help."

Kylo hunches down and quickly unties you from the ropes, causing you to stand up and stretch out your body from being sat down for so long. He grabs your hands to look at your cuffs and sees that he needed a code to open them.

"Specially made for us. It didn't allow me to use the force." You breathed out.

Kylo softly drops your hands and extends his arm out towards you, using the force to try to free you. They abruptly click open and fall down to the ground.

"Thank you." You said as you rubbed your sore wrists.

Kylo gives you a simple nod in response.

Another stormtrooper barges in, catching yours and Kylo's attention. "Sir our forces have spotted the Resistance pilots in town."

"They must be looking for a way out of here." You commented.

Kylo turns his head back towards you. "Lets make them pay."

You extend your arm towards your lightsaber laying on the table and will it into your hand.

"Lets." You said, smirking at him.

You and Kylo take long strides out the room with the rest of the stormtroopers and start heading for the town that wasn't too far from where you were being kept.

While walking by Kylo's side you begin looking around at the barren, sandy landscape.. there was something weird about this place.

Suddenly you start to feel something within the force like as if it was trying to pull you towards something. You decide to ignore it and slightly shake your head, trying to clear yourself from your thoughts. You didn't want to get distracted since you feel like that's what got you in this situation in the first place. Kylo feels your uneasiness but decides to keep quiet since he thought it must've been because of your capture.

As you all begin walking deeper into the town, you take a look at the destruction within it. Some buildings were on fire while others were halfway burned down.. force knows how. Other ones had doors split in half, still glowing red from the wrath of Kylo's lightsaber. The streets seemed abandoned as almost everyone had gone into hiding but there were still a fearful few crouched down in the shadows.

Deep down inside you felt happiness at the destruction that Kylo had caused. He left the safety of The Supremacy and did all this in a desperate attempt to find you. He cared for you.. he really did.

You start to hear blasters being shot back and forth causing you all to begin walking more cautiously. You and Kylo both unclip your lightsabers' from your belts' and ignite them.. the stormtroopers ready their blasters. Turning a left corner and going around a building you see the fight straight ahead.

The pilots were taking cover in the remains of a half burned down home with blasters in hand.. probably stolen from the dead stormtroopers laying on the ground along with some flame troopers.

There was only two stormtroopers left in the fight. They were across from the pilots taking cover behind some debris of a fallen building while still trying to get in a few shots at them with their own blasters.

Without taking your eyes off the fight you begin to internally talk with Kylo.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" You asked him.

"You've taught me well. And I want nothing more than to bring down the ones that hurt you." His voice echoed in your head.

You felt the anger and hate radiating off of him and it reassured you that he would be strong enough to fight.

"Very well. But the blonde one.. she's mine." You thought back to him as you glared at her.

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Not too proud of this chapter because I feel like it's rushed so I'm sorry for that. I blame my finals that are approaching.. they're really messing with my head. Also expect some delays with updates because of that. Don't worry I won't keep you guys waiting for a new chapter for long periods of time.. it will probably be for three or two days in between, just until I get these dang tests over with. Anyway thank you all for making it this far into my book<3

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