Chapter 26

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You both continue to walk down the long black corridor until you were at a reasonable space in front of him. You and Kylo then bow your head down but Snoke continued to say nothing as he singled you out, eyeing you in anger.

"Supreme leader, I'm glad to see you're back." You lied through your teeth as you picked your head up to look at him.

He moves his hands onto the arm rests of his throne. "Yes well due to the disappointing news, I had to return sooner than expected."

"What happened was unfortunate but I assure you everything was quickly put back into order." You said.

"And what of your failure out in the battlefield." He hissed back.

You clear your throat. "I made a mistake.. I'm sorry master."

Snoke abruptly stands up and raises his arm towards you. You feel the ground below you disappear as he drags you away from Kylo's side and closer to him. You stifle a groan until he stops you just inches away from his throne, unable to move. He slowly walks down from his seat to get even closer to you, still holding you partially up off the floor and reaches over your shoulder to grab a handful of your hair, making you wince at the feeling of a few strands getting ripped out from your head.

"I didn't spend all those hours and years training you so that you could make be making these mistakes!" He barked at you.

Kylo slowly picks his head up to look at you and Snoke. It takes all the power in him not to move a muscle to help you, not even a slight twitch but that doesn't mean you still couldn't feel his intense anger radiating off of him and if that hasn't caught Snoke's attention yet, then you knew Kylo had been successful in closing himself off from him.

"I have given you many victories.." You said, clenching your jaw as you looked into Snoke's cold eyes. "I have taken countless lives so that you could reign and maintain order in the galaxy."

Snoke releases his grip on your hair, letting it fall freely from the low bun it had been in. He then flicks his hand up, bringing you higher into the air as you were pushed back at the same time. You yelp from the sudden movement until you were now hovering a good few feet up from the ground in a slanted position.

He then balls his hand into a fist above his head, causing you to feel like something had wrapped around your body and slowly started crushing it. You let out a loud cry of pain as Snoke gripped his force stronger around you. You slightly arch your back to try to escape some of the agonizing pressure but it didn't help.

"What good do all those victories serve, if you make a mistake and risk losing it all!" He snarled. 

You couldn't even respond.. all you could do was yell as the life was being squeezed out of you. Never have you felt Snoke be so furious at you and if he kept this up any longer, you knew that something was going to end up broken or worse.

You continue to cry out in midair as you bent your sweaty head back and looked at the hazy ceiling.. everything was becoming so hazy. Your arms limply, hung down but you still clamped your fingers into fists. You were only grateful that you were still wearing your gloves to stop you from digging your fingernails into your palms.. you were sure you would've drew blood from how tightly you were clenching your fists. 

Kylo bends his head up to look at you but he could only see your (h/c) hair and black cape that would sway below you everytime you would squirm and thrash in the air as you screamed. He tightly squeezes his eyes shut behind his mask, feeling his soul shatter with every second he spent hearing your sounds of distress. He returns his head forward again and opens his eyes to look at Snoke standing in front of him with his arm raised up in the air.

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