Chapter 19

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You jerk awake, snapping your eyes open and letting out a gasp. You lift your head up and look around to see that you were in a large hut. The round walls were made of pourstone and the floor was just the sandy formation of the planet itself. There was no windows so the only thing that brought light was a small lamp placed on top of a table on the other side of the room.

As your senses slowly start coming back to you.. you begin to feel a throbbing pain in your head and your whole body ached. It was most likely because of the bumpy landing you had.

You raise your hands up to try to rub your temples but then see that your wrists had these large high tech looking handcuffs on them. Widening your eyes, you try to get up from the chair you were seated in only to realize that you were tied to it. You look down to see that it was just measly rope that was wrapped around your chest and your ankles but it was tight enough for you not to be able to escape from it.. no matter how hard your squirmed.

You turn your gaze back up to see your lightsaber located next to the lamp and raise your hands towards it. You try to use the force to bring it into your grip but the handcuffs shoot out an electric shock from your attempt, causing you to let out a yelp of pain.

It looks like these cuffs were specially made for force sensitive beings. You've never seen anything like it.

"Huh.. how creative." You mumbled out.


Kylo lands the black shuttle by a town as he feels that your presence was close by. He stomps down the ramp of the ship and starts scanning the area from left to right. It was such a big town with many different places and so many different beings.. you could be anywhere.

"Round up anyone that you see and begin questioning them. I want to know if they've seen anything suspicious." He said to a group of troopers.

"Yes sir!" They all said and headed out into the town.

Kylo turns to a different group and gives them orders as well. "The rest of you will be with me. I can feel the Commander close by. We will kick down every door and burn this town to ashes if that's what it takes to find her."

"Yes sir!" They all responded in unison.

Kylo nods his head and begins walking towards the town with the rest of the stormtroopers following his lead.


A door to your right swings open letting in the harsh sunlight and hot air from outside. You squint your eyes as you try to adjust to the lighting and look towards the door to try to see who it was but all you could make out was the outline of three figures. They come in and the door closes shut.

You blink your eyes to adjust to the light change once again and look up to see a young blonde girl, a middle aged raven haired man, and a blue skinned creature with large red eyes. He was a Duros. They all looked very different but had one thing in common.. their Resistance pilot uniforms.

"You know I've always hated that orange color.. makes the uniforms look really unappealing." You said.

"Shut up!" The girl snapped back at you.

She had such a look of hatred in her eyes that you wondered if you had ever killed anyone she's cared about before.

"Kiera calm down." The blue creature spoke to her.

"I'll be calm once you can find a signal on this damned planet and call Poe!" She yelled, as she got in his face. "If Theo was here he could do it!"

"It's not my fault that you two just had to land your ships in quicksand and that she damaged the comms system on my ship." He argued back as he pointed his blue finger at you.

The other man grabs the girl's arm and pulls her back to face him.

"Don't worry.. we'll get Theo back." He tried to reassure her.

He looks towards the Duros. "Go back to your ship and try to see if you can get the system working again."

The creature nods his large head and exits out the door.. the man focuses his gaze back on the girl.

"I'm sure The First Order would do anything to get their Commander back and once Poe gets here to pick us up, we'll be able to make the deal." He said.

"Is that what this is? You want to trade me for a worthless prisoner?" You laughed out.

The girl yanks her arm away from the man and walks up to you. "Theo is ten times the person you could ever hope to be."

You glare back at her as you try to put the pieces together. Theo was a prisoner on The Supremacy that this blonde girl really cared about.. most likely his girlfriend by the looks of it. And he would've been skilled enough to get a signal out when they couldn't. It suddenly all clicks in your head.

"This Theo.. did he happen to have long brown hair, a couple of dazzling green eyes?" You asked her.

Her face shows hesitation from your choice of words. You were using past tense.

"Yes." She said.

You tried to suppress another laugh from coming out but you just couldn't hold it in.

"What? What is it?" She asked you, stepping away from you.

No matter how hard she tried to seem she was still afraid of you especially when you were laughing the way that you were.

"It's just funny how the universe works." You smiled at her.

"Enough with the vague answers!" The man spoke up, frustrated.

You shrug your shoulders. "As you wish. Theo.. your little boyfriend, I presume. He's dead.. I killed him myself."

The girl's eyes widen as they start welling up with tears. She begins slowly shaking her head like as if she didn't want to believe it. She looks down to the floor, letting out her cries of pain but then out of nowhere she snaps her head back up and pulls back her arm. She swings a fist at your face causing your head to snap to the side.

You begin to taste blood in your mouth as it runs downs from your busted lip.

"You.. you're a monster." She mumbled out, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

You slowly turn your head forward to face her. "I know."

She jerks towards you but the man quickly places his hands on the girl's shoulders to try to hold her back from hitting you again.

"But do you want to know the funny part?" You asked her as she glared at you. "Before I stabbed my lightsaber through him, I promised him that I would deal with you myself and look how the universe delivered you right to me."

"You're the one that's captured and tied up." The man sneered at you.

You start to shoot daggers at him for reminding you of your embarrassing situation. But then you felt something.. someone familiar. It was Kylo. He was here and he was only getting closer.

A smirk appears on your face. "Not for long."

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