Chapter 3

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It's been a couple weeks since you've finished your training and Ben arrived onto the Supremacy. You haven't seen him at all yet, actually no one really has but you assume it's because he's been spending all his time training with Snoke. But you felt his force as soon as he landed on this ship.

Ben. Ben Solo. You repeat that name in your head.

He isn't called that anymore, it's forbidden for that name to be spoken out loud. He's now Kylo Ren, Jedi killer. You heard about that, about how he proved himself worthy of the dark side by destroying Luke Skywalker's Jedi temple and slaughtering all the students.. children as small as five years old.

The thought of it brought shivers down your spine. Sure, you've killed many people in your past missions or on the battlefields. You've tortured people mentally and physically.. you've killed without ever batting an eye because it just came easy to you now.

You were a cruel force wielder and everyone in the galaxy knew it. You've killed women, men, the elderly but never a child.. the challenge never presented itself to you and you're grateful for it because you don't know if you would be capable of it.

But Kylo, he's already slaughtered more than a dozen and he only just turned to the dark side a few weeks ago. He truly is the grandson of Darth Vader.

Your thoughts are interrupted as you reach Snoke's throne room. He was going to present you to Kylo before he left to Starkiller Base tomorrow, that's when you will finally train him as well.

You tuck the stray hairs behind your ear that managed to get free from your low bun, then you adjust your small cape hanging off your left arm and let out a sigh to ready yourself. You don't know why you were feeling this nervous when you didn't even like the guy. 

You nod to the guard for him to open the door and he does but as your eyes wander around you see that Kylo isn't in the room. You still hold your head high and swiftly walk down the black corridor while tucking away your thoughts from Snoke's reach.

Stopping a few feet away from him, you bow your head forward. "Supreme leader."

Snoke gestures for you to be at ease and you raise your head back up to look at him.  "Kylo will be joining us soon, I just wanted to talk to you first. In these past training sessions with him, he has proven himself very powerful in the force. He will make a great asset to our cause. In your training with him, you will teach him how to infiltrate ones mind, which will take some time to learn, so focus on that until my return."

That was one of the hardest lessons to learn and teach but you didn't dare question his demands.

With an emotionless face you respond. "Yes supreme leader."

"Good, good." Snoke said, grinning.

At that you feel Kylo's presence nearing the room.. you walk to the side of Snoke's throne and turn around to face the door.

The doors open and you see an all black figure gliding down the room. As he nears, the details become more clear. He's wearing a black mask, with silver lines around where his eyes should be along with a black robe reaching all the way down to his boots. You stare in awe with your lips slightly parted. He looks and feels so powerful.

He kneels down on one knee, bows his head forward and speaks. "Supreme Leader."

His voice is altered with the mask, making it sound low and dark. You widen your eyes at this even more amazed than you already were but you quickly compose yourself, returning your face back to its emotionless state.

Snoke slowly responds. "Rise, Ren."

Kylo returns to his towering height, allowing Snoke to continue.

"This is my apprentice, the Commander of this ship. (Y/n) (l/n)."

Kylo cocks his head slightly to the left to look at you, uncomfortable with the sudden attention you fold your arms across your chest.

"She will be continuing your training tomorrow, up until I return. You have much to learn in the ways of the dark side, so there will be no time to waste."

He looks back up to Snoke and nods his head forward. "Yes master, as you wish."

What a suck up. You think to yourself as you quickly roll your eyes. 

Kylo hears your thoughts and snaps his face towards you again. You look back at him with confused eyes. He couldn't have heard since you closed off your mind.. not even Snoke could hear your thoughts if he wanted to. You and Kylo continue to stare at each other for what seemed like a lifetime.

Snoke finally interrupts the tension that was building up. "You are dismissed Kylo."

He looks back to his master and turns to walk back to where he came from, disappearing behind the door. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.

"You too, (y/n). Prepare your training lesson for tomorrow." He said.

You look towards Snoke. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

You head back to your quarters, repeating what had just happened in your head.

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