Chapter 14

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You've always had to take care of yourself.. always had to defend yourself. And then here comes Kylo promising to look out for you, caring if you were to get hurt. As you were hugging him you wished that you could've just stayed in his arms forever. Never have you ever felt so protected and sheltered from the rest of the galaxy but there were still more important matters at hand.

You break away from Kylos arms, smiling at him. "So shall we begin?"

Kylo returns your smile and nods at you. You turn around to take a seat back on the small couch. Kylo follows you and sits next to you. He places his lightsaber back on the table in front of you both.

You clear your throat. "Okay so really all it takes is an immense amount of concentration and practice... that's all there really is to it. I will guide you as far and as best I can, but in the end it's up to you." You looked at him with worry in your eyes.

You trusted him to get it since he was a very fast learner.. but now knowing that it was up to him to keep your bond a secret from Snoke, it scared you to your core.

Kylo feels your agitation. Wanting nothing more than to calm you, he reaches out to touch your arm.

"It's okay, I will get it.. I have something greatly motivating me." He smiled at you.

You smile back at him and felt yourself becoming warm. Your dread rapidly disappears and the feeling of calmness completely envelopes you.

You softly gasp. "Are you doing that?"

"Doing what?" He asked, looking at you confused.

"I.. I don't know. My fears.. they faded away as soon as you touched me. All I feel now is warmth." You breathed.

Kylo looks at you in amazement "I was thinking it as I touched you. I just wanted to comfort you but I didn't really think that I would truly be calming you down."

"Force.. there must be a lot that we don't know about this bond." You said, widening your eyes.

"Yes like for example it takes a lot out of me to be sending you this energy for too long." He said as his voice faltered.

You softly grab his hand off your arm and rest back it onto his lap. "Conserve your strength for your training instead Kylo. Once we finish what needs to be done, we will find out what more our bond can do."

He tiredly smiles at you. "Very well."

"Okay so close your eyes and picture yourself in your head." You begin to instruct him

Kylo does as you say, shutting his eyes and beginning to concentrate.

"What do you see?" You asked him.

"I see an infinite amount of darkness. It's black everywhere.. there's no end to it and I'm in the middle of it all." He said, his voice slightly cracking.

Kylo begins to tightly squeeze his eyes shut even more, his eyebrows furrowing. You reach out to rest your hand on top of his and begin to focus on just him, giving him the same calming energy he had given you. You knew it was working when you saw Kylo slowly relaxing his face. His lips parted as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Envision something there with with you, something that makes you happy. That will be your anchor." You continue to guide him.

In his mind, you begin to appear in front of him smiling at him. He focuses on you instead of the haunting pitch black that was surrounding him.

You start to feel yourself weaken from the amount of energy you were giving Kylo. You move your hand away but continue to see him relaxed. Whatever he was imagining, was working.

"Now.. build your walls around you and your anchor.. away from the darkness, away from Snoke's reach." You said.

Kylo, still in his mind walks up to you and wraps his arms around you, covering your whole face. He slouches forward so that he can hold his head close to yours and then a rumbling sound begins. Erupting from the ground rose large solid walls, encircling both you and him.

Kylo raises his head back up to see the large sanctuary he had built around you and him. It wasn't dark anymore, but it wasn't light either.. it was more of a grey atmosphere now. He looks up and sees where his walls end, now it was up to him to build them stronger and higher.

Still holding you in his arms, he smiles down at you. "I will keep you safe from him.. I promise."

You reach out your hand to hold the side of his face and give him a simple nod.

Kylo reopens his eyes to see you still seated next to him, staring at him.

"I did it." He breathed out. "However, I still have to concentrate on making them strong and large enough to keep Snoke out."

"And then from there you will need to build them even higher if you want to block me out as well. You can thank our bond for that." You smirked at him.

Kylo lets out a laugh. "I only wish to keep out Snoke and others.. not you."

"If you don't mind me asking.. what was your anchor?" You asked him.

Kylo stiffens, sucking in his lips. He didn't know wether to tell you the truth or not.

Seeing him hesitate causes you to speak again. "I'm sorry it's none of my business.. I just wanted to know because whatever it was seemed to have drastically calmed you down, even when I stopped giving you that energy."

"You tried it on me?" Kylo asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes and you were right, it is very draining." You replied.

"Thank you." He smiled at you.

You shook your head. "No need to thank me. I was simply returning the favor."

"Not just for that, but for everything you have done for me in more ways than you know." He said.

Your lips twitch. "Look at us. We're becoming so soft." You scoffed.

"Only for you." He breathed as he smiled.

"Only for you." You repeated, your eyes beaming with affection at him.

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