Chapter 34

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A comfortable silence filled the room as both you and Kylo were in a dream like state, laying underneath your silky sheets. Your head was resting against his chest as you drew circles on his stomach while he trailed his fingers from your waist all the way up to your shoulder and then back down again.

You wish you could have time stop and just live in this moment forever. Right now it didn't feel like there was even a war going on. Right now you felt at peace by Kylo's side, but the reality of what was really going on beyond these walls was eating away at your thoughts.

You knew that at one point you both would need to get up. You would have to go to the command center and map out another strategic plan to lead against the Resistance and Kylo would have to go to another relentless session so that Snoke can continue to train him into a living weapon.

"Kylo.." You interrupt the silence.

He hums in response, his chest vibrating against the side of your face.

"Do you think that this war will be able to end soon?" You asked, looking off into the distance of your room.

Kylo stops the movement of his fingers. "I'm not sure. The Resistance is keen on having the galaxy be under the chaotic rule of The New Republic."

You draw your eyebrows together at the mention of The Resistance.. those scums that you hated with every fiber of your being. They are one of the main reasons why this war has been going on for this long, why you still needed to keep fighting to be able to bring order and peace to the galaxy.

"Once Starkiller Base is done, The Republic will be finished and The Resistance will have no one to hide behind anymore." You said.

"We'll be able restore what we lost with The Empire and finish what my grandfather started." Kylo said.

You shift your body to be able to rest your head on his shoulder and look up at him. "Together?"

"Together." He repeated, craning his head down to look at you.

The corners of your lips turned upwards at his agreement and Kylo couldn't refrain from staring in awe at you. Your eyes always seemed to shine brighter than Tatooine's binary stars when you were with him and seeing a smile form on your face was like watching a Rominaria flower bloom on Naboo's valleys. Kylo truly felt like the luckiest man in the galaxy for having you by his side.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered.

You suppress a chuckle. "You only say that because you love me." 

"Well I'm not the only one that thinks such a thing. I would always hear talks of the beautiful but deadly Commander of The First Order." He said with a smirk.

And he was right. Even though no one has seen you in the ways that Kylo has, any being still couldn't deny the otherworldly beauty you possessed. Just like you were known around the galaxy as a ruthless force wielder, you were also known for your alluring features that would leave everyone wondering where you came from.

"I just never thought I would be the one fortunate enough to call her mine." He continued, reaching over with his free arm to run his knuckles down your cheek.

"Look at us.. the lineage of a Sith and a Jedi, cuddling up against one another." You snickered.

Kylo replicates your laugh but your smile quickly turns into a straight line. "Speaking of.. I think I heard my grandfather talk to me earlier."

"How do you know it was him?" He asked.

You pucker your lips in uncertainty. "That accent.. I'm sure- well I think it was the same one from the visions I had."

"The visions you told me about when you were in the med bay?"

"Yes but this time I felt like he was specifically talking to me.. how is that possible?"

"Maybe it was his force spirit." Kylo suggested.

"Force spirit?" You questioned, never having heard of such a thing.

"When your grandfather died he became one with the force which allows him to linger in the physical world as a force spirit." Kylo moves his hand to rest on your waist. "That's how he continued to guide Luke in his teachings even after his death."

An array of emotions washes over you and takes you out of your once calm state as Kylo hits you with the hard truth. Your grandfather at any time could've shown himself to you.. guided you, talked to you, reassured you but he didn't. He thought that Luke himself was more worthy of his time than you, his own granddaughter.

"This whole time- all these years he could have communicated with me? He could have let me know that I wasn't alone?" You said as a line appeared between your brows.

Kylo feels your body tense up in anger but from the tone of your voice he knew you were just as hurt as well.

"There are still rules, rules that prevents him and others to alter the ways of the force." He said, trying to calm you down.

"Oh to kriffing heck with their stupid Jedi rules." You hissed. "All those damn rules! That's what got them all killed in the end!"

You roll away from Kylo's arms to reach your nightstand, opening up the first drawer. You pull out the journal and pick up your upper body off the bed with a hand against your chest to keep your sheets from falling down.

You throw the journal away from your hand but it doesn't crash onto the floor, instead it floats in midair just a few feet away from the foot of your bed.

From the corner of your eye you see Kylo's hand reaching out with his fingers spread apart. You turn your head completely to see him sitting up next to you, looking straight ahead at the journal that was hovering off the floor.

"Kylo." You whispered.

He says nothing as he guides your journal back into the drawer of your nightstand and shuts it.

You hang your head. "I'm not going to keep reading it.. I can't. I..."

"I understand but you should still keep it." He reaches over to hold your chin and picks up your head to look at him. "That journal has helped you find and use the light side with the same power that you use the dark side of the force with. That's never even been heard of."

You sigh. "Even so, I know where I stand in this war. My beliefs continue to side with The First Order."

"I'm not questioning that (y/n)." He murmured. "Now be quiet and come here so we can ignore our responsibilities for just a bit more."

He moves and wraps his arms around you, bringing you back down on the bed to lay with him. You let out a short laugh as you crash back down on the bed with him and quickly take the position that you were in before for just a bit more.

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