Chapter 12

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The next morning you wake up with no feeling other than pure happiness.. it was such a foreign feeling to you but you loved it. If it hadn't been for your emotions you wouldn't have believed that last night had happened.. not when you felt like you didn't deserve it but it did happen, the force itself willed it.

You shake away the thoughts that we're trying to bring your mood down and quickly get up from your bed, changing into your uniform and messily tying your (h/c) hair into its regular bun. As always you made sure to grab your lightsaber, hooking it on your belt. You were eager to start training or maybe it was just eagerness to see Kylo.

Before you exited out of your quarters you made sure to put on your emotionless face. You still needed to keep up your reputation of being a cold blooded Commander and you knew it was working once you saw everyone cowering out of your way.

You stop in your steps when you made it into the training room, waving a hand to open it. Kylo was already there in his own uniform eagerly waiting for you. He turns as you walk to him. He meets you halfway.

"Commander (l/n)."

You playfully roll your eyes. "I think we've skipped those formalities haven't we?"

Kylo reaches up to unlatch his mask, revealing the smirk that was on his face. "I was just teasing (y/n)."

Force, you will never get tired of hearing him say your name in the way that he does.

"I actually have some news before we start," You said. "Snoke has announced to me that his return will be delayed due to some issues he didn't wish to discuss."

Kylo internally reacts with the same content that you had when you first heard the news. First because he wouldn't need to face the abuse that Snoke was already inflicting on him during his training but even more so because that meant more time with you.

"He's asked me to continue on to the fun part of your training.. combat." You slyly smile at him as you think about how that would go.

"Are you smiling at me like that for a reason?" He asked, pointing a gloved finger at your face.

You raise your eyebrows as you tried to play innocent. "Of course not..what would make you think such a thing?" You slightly chuckle. "I'm supposed to teach you how to fight using all the assets available to you, including your lightsaber."

"Yes about that.. I've come across a problem." He pulls his lower lip into his mouth, slightly biting it.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Let me just show you." He pulls his mask back on and gestures for you to follow him out of the room. 

It was such a sight to see the two of you swiftly walking together, side by side, both his boots and yours stomping against the metallic floor of the hallway. You and Kylo both felt stronger and more confident when you were around each other. Both of you were empowering each other and everyone took notice as they stared in awe and fear at the two most powerful beings on the ship.

Finally reaching your destination, Kylo puts in his code and steps aside for you to walk in first. You actually pay more attention to his quarters this time and smile when you notice that it's just as simple as yours.

"Just like yours isn't it?" His normal voice asked behind you.

"If you're going to take advantage of our bond to read my thoughts all the time, I'm just going to block you off again." You huffed, turning around to face him only to see that he was exceptionally close, to the point that your chests' were an inch from touching.

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