Chapter 15

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Once again you were heading for the training room only this time in your training attire. You were even more excited than usual for today because your muscles were aching to be put into action. It's felt like it's been such a long time since you've been out on a mission or trained your body.

You press the door to open the door to the room and as usual Kylo was already there but in his normal uniform.. mask and all. He had his lightsaber on in his hand, swinging it around.

"You're not actually going to be training with all that on are you?" You asked.

Kylo looks up to you and turns off his lightsaber. "I never received training attire.. this is how I would train with Snoke."

"Well unlike Snoke I care wether you pass out from a heat stroke, so we're going to need to figure something out."

He lets out a mechanical sigh and puts his hilt on the silver bench next to him. He reaches up to his mask and unlatches it with a low hiss coming from it. One by one he starts taking a piece of clothing off.

Your eyes widen. "Kylo what are you doing?"

"Relax (y/n). I have a tank underneath.. I'll just wear that." He said, speaking over his shoulder.

Soon enough all he had on was his black tank and his holsters that held his pants up.

Even though you have seen him shirtless before you still couldn't help but gaze at his muscular arms.

He turns around from the bench with his lightsaber in hand to face you, making you quickly look away. He clears his throat, causing your head to snap back to him.

"Oh you're ready?" You asked, trying to seem unaware.

"I'm ready when you are Commander." Kylo teased.

"Very well. Like I've said before.. this isn't Jedi training anymore. When you fight you're going to draw your power from your emotions.. your hate, your anger, your pain. All of it." You said as you unclipped your saber from your belt.

"Don't hold back." He said.

"No don't worry about that. I need you to be ready when you go out there so holding back would just be hurting you." You turned on your lightsaber in your hand, the red plasma rises from your hilt. 

"Alright but don't kill me either." He jokingly said.

"Don't give me the chance then." You smirked at him.

Kylo turns on his lightsaber, its crackling sound filling your ears. You begin to slowly walk closer to him, twirling your lightsaber in your hold. As soon as you were close enough you instantly raised it above you and slammed it down. Kylo quickly blocks it and pushes you back. You remove your saber and slam it down once more with Kylo only blocking it again. He wasn't that bad.

But when Kylo would attack he did so with speed and precision, focusing on his footwork as well. It was easy to predict his moves and deflect his hits. He wasn't listening and you were starting to get frustrated.

"You're still fighting like a Jedi!" You hissed as you swung your lightsaber vertically, Kylo stumbles back to avoid the hit.

"Rely on your emotions! Give in to the sensations that you feel in the heat of battle!" You said, gritting your teeth together.

Kylo begins to channel his aggression and frustrations. He runs towards you and quickly slams his lightsaber down, catching you by surprise. You barely block it and the impact from the hit causes you to lose the grip of your saber.

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