Chapter 10

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In the middle of the night you begin to shift and turn in your bed as your nightmare returns to take over your head. That same damn nightmare that always manages to break you every time.

Kylo blinks his eyes awake as he feels a disturbance in the force. His body starts to bottle up with fear and pain but it's not his own. He turns to lay on the other side of his body only to come across a girl with (h/c) hair laying on his other pillow, their back facing him.

Kylo abruptly gets up from his bed, ready to attack this intruder but as this girl turns to lay on her back he sees your troubled face with tears spilling from your closed eyes and running down the sides of your face. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You whimpered.

He doesn't know how you got on his bed, all he knows is that the pain and fear he was feeling was coming from you and whatever nightmare you were going through. He needed to wake you up, he needed to help you.

Kylo goes around his bed, to the side you were on. He tries to put a hand on your shoulder but instead of feeling your touch, his hand just goes through you.

"What is this?" He mumbled to himself as he examines the front and back of his hand. "Is this a force bon- why.. why would the force be connecting us?"

You break Kylo from his thoughts as he hears another pained cry escaping your lips. "No! S-stop!

Kylo feels his heart breaking as he looks down at you suffering. Deep down he feels that you don't deserve any anguish in your life. No. You deserve all the happiness and enjoyment that the galaxy can offer you, everything that he can offer to you.

Without second thinking it he turns and heads for the door, determined to find you. As he's walking down the empty halls he feels the cold air hitting his bare chest and mentally scolds himself for forgetting that all he was wearing were his sleeping pants and socks. That didn't matter, what mattered was you.

He follows your force that came easily to him and waves a hand over your door, making it slide open. Sure enough he sees you on your bed at the end of the room, twisted up in your sheets. Kylo paces up the steps and goes to the side of the bed you were sleeping on.

He leans his upper body down and lowers his hand on your bare shoulder. As soon as he makes contact with your skin he's thrown back from your force as you let out a sharp "No!" from your lips.

Kylo's back crashes against your cold, metal floor and he lets out a pained grunt.

"Son of a Bantha.. (y/n) it's just me." He quietly whispers as he picks himself off the floor and cautiously walks towards to your bed again only to see that you were still sleeping.

Stars, how powerful do you have to be in the force in order to use it like that while you're sleeping? Kylo thought to himself as his eyebrows were raised in amazement, forgetting all about the throbbing pain in his back.

He attempts to wake you again, lifting his hand and slowly reaching over. He finally lets it rest on your shoulder.. he finally feels the touch of your soft, warm skin causing his breath to hitch in his throat.

Kylo wished he could just stay like this for a little while longer. Just this simple innocent, touch made him the happiest he's been in a while but he didn't want to be selfish. He still needed to wake you.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" He begins shaking your shoulder. "It's just a nightmare!"

You let out a deep breath as you snap your eyes open and quickly lift your back off your bed. Tears mixed with sweat were still falling down your face and your chest was rapidly rising and falling.

You place your elbows on your knees and hold your head with your hands, trying to calm yourself down. As you come to your senses you notice a familiar presence in your room.

You pick up your head from your hands and swiftly turn it to see Kylo standing there, with a worried look on his face and shirtless? Your eyes feel like they're going to bulge out of your head as you quickly gaze at his toned body and then look up to his face.

"Kylo, what in the force are you doing in my room? And why are you not wearing a shirt?"

He takes notice of the quick glance you took at his body making his cheeks grow hot. "Um..well it's quite a story."

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I know how cliché.. a force bond. But the concept of it is really cute and I like it. Also what would you expect from two force sensitive people who have very strong feelings for each other?! I'm very excited on how this is going to bring them closer together though! :)
P.s Votes and comments are very heart warming and encouraging so please do! <3

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