Chapter 7

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Kylo wakes up to a message from you the next day, making a smile appear on his face. He reaches his hand out and presses the red button flashing above his nightstand.

A small blue hologram of you appears. "Kylo, for our training session today we will meet outside the interrogation rooms in sector 10. Please for the love of force, don't get lost."

He lets out a short laugh at your last comment, making him repeat the message once more just to look at your face again.

Deciding not to get you mad by being late he gets up from his bed and changes into his uniform and mask. He walks down the two small steps and heads out his door, eager to see you once again.

The metal of the floor thumps against his boots as he swiftly walks down the hall, officers and stormtroopers moving out of his way to give him a clear path. But then he abruptly stops as he looks around.. he was lost and asking someone for directions was not an option.

Instead he decides to seek out your force, making him step away into a barren hallway so no one would see him just standing there like a nerf herder.

He closes his eyes behind his mask and tries to single you out from the rest of the presences moving around the massive ship. Surprisingly it came very easy to him and he found you instantly.

How odd. Why didn't that take more focus like it usually does? He shakes his head as if that would also shake the irrational thoughts away and continues on his way, following your force.

As he turns the corner he sees your face focused on something as you're leaning your back against the wall. He feels his heart swell like it did the first time he laid eyes on you and everyday since then. And he's sure you would've been able to feel his loud feelings at the moment if you weren't so distracted being in your own mind.

When you felt Kylo coming near, you started strengthening the walls that were always around your mind. It was exhausting but it was something you had to do around him because you felt like he could easily access your mind and feelings if you didn't.

It was weird since you never had a problem keeping everyone else out. You could even manage to keep someone as powerful Snoke away from your thoughts, but with Kylo it was different.

As you finish, you see from the corner of your eye an all black figure. You turn your head to see Kylo standing at the end of the hall, causing your heart to become happy and it takes all the willpower in you not to smile.

You never wished for a mask until he appeared. It would be easier to hide the feelings from your face. But Kylo he could smile all he wanted behind that mask of his and you would never even see.

You quickly check inside the room you were standing next to before pushing yourself off the wall and walking up to kylo. He meets you halfway.

"Ren, you're late. I've been waiting for you for the past ten minutes!" You decide to mask your happiness with anger and fold your arms across your chest. "You got lost didn't you."

"No, I apologize. I just woke up late." He clasps his hands behind his back.

You look up to him, squinting your (e/c) eyes. "Force, this is why I need to teach you how to close off your mind.. if not Snoke will rip you to shreds! I can feel you lying to me, Kylo."

He lets his arms fall back to his side in defeat. "Well isn't that something you're supposed to teach me today?"

Shaking your head you replied. "No that will have to wait. I have something way better for you today." Your face starts to light up with excitement. "Late last night I was woken up to an alert that there was Resistance scum on the planet of Corellia. We're sure they were there trying to gather information on the rumors about the creation of Starkiller Base."

Kylo nods his head for you to continue, intrigued with the story of your mission.

"Well we couldn't let them go back with whatever information they had gotten, so I led my squadron to the planet and killed them. Except for one that I took as a prisoner. I thought he could be perfect for you to practice on!" You had the biggest smile on your face now, like as if you had just given him the best gift ever.

Kylo finds it adorable how happy you're getting over something so dark like this, causing a chuckle to escape his throat. "So now I see what we're doing here. You want me to try to get into his head?"

"Yes because the last time you did it, I had provoked you. So I want you to try to do it on your own will."

He nods his head. "Very well. I think I'll do just fine with you by my side."

Your heart starts pounding in your ears from his comment but you just give him a simple smile and turn around. You glance your head over your shoulder and gesture for him to follow you back to the room that you were guarding.

"Come on. Lets put you to the test."

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I just now realized that I wasn't putting Kylo's perspective into the story and I'm so mad at myself for forgetting! I promise from now on his perspective will be included throughout the rest of the chapters!

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