Chapter 17

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You knew that the prisoner would most likely be trying to find a way off this ship so you begin heading towards where the escape pods were.

As you turn a corner, you see a man with a mess of brown hair fumbling with the wires that were hanging out from a small opening on the wall. You look down to see the screen pad that he had taken off from there, laying on the floor beside him.

He needed to enter a code to get into where the escape pods were located so he had to get creative with it.

You slowly begin walking up to him. "So I see now how you were able to escape your cell."

The man jerks his head up and takes out a blaster he had tucked away into his belt. He points it right at you.

"You must be very skillful with technology in order to send out a transmission to your friends and disable our shields." You said as the ship begins slightly shaking again.

"The Resistance will bring down The First Order and return hope to the galaxy." He spat at you.

You let out a low chuckle. "No.. that's where you're wrong. We will prevail, destroy every single one of your scum friends and bring order to the galaxy. Too bad you won't be alive to see it."

You unhook your lightsaber from your belt and ignite it. The man's green eyes widen and begins rapidly shooting at you over and over. You don't even bother to take cover as you twirl your lightsaber in front of you to deflect the hits coming from the blaster, not missing any single one. You start to take slow steps towards him since you knew he was going to run out of ammo soon.

You just wish you could slowly torture him for all the trouble he's caused but you had to get to your own ship so that you could go out there and defend The Supremacy.

The man pulls the trigger once more but nothing comes out. You curl your lips and wave your hand at him, making him fly to the wall next to him. He lets out a loud grunt as his body lands on the ground. You stride up to him and point the end of your lightsaber up to his neck. His fearful green eyes look up into your fierce (e/c) ones.

"You're just another meaningless link in The Resistance chain. Once you're gone they will live on without you.. no one will mourn you.. no one will even remember your name." You sneered at him.

"That's not true." He shot back.

You start to remember the things that Kylo told you he saw when he went inside his mind.

"Oh you must be talking about that little blonde girlfriend of yours. Don't worry I'll make sure to take care of her myself." You taunted him once more.

He lets out a growl and tries to get up but you quickly stab your lightsaber into his neck, finishing what you should've done in the beginning.

You deactivate your lightsaber and hook it back onto your belt as you let out a tiresome sigh. It's been such a long, frustrating day but you still weren't finished.. you still had to get to the hangar. Luckily for you it wasn't far from where you were. You quickly head down another hallway to get there.

Kylo stops in his steps when he comes across the dead prisoner.

"Well it looks like she found him." He said to himself.

But as he walks closer to him he sees who exactly it was. It was the one that he tortured, the one that you brought back from your mission. He must've been the whole cause of all of this.. that must've been why you were looking for him. But deep down Kylo feels it was his own fault since he was the reason you brought the man here.

Kylo shakes his head as if that would make his thoughts go away and continues following your presence.

You make it to the hangar and see your own personal TIE-fighter ready for you. Yours was a unique model that has hyperdrive equipped unlike the other ones that needed to board shuttles in order to go into hyperspace.

You pass by the black suited pilots and white stormtroopers that were pacing to board their own shuttles and ships. Soon enough you reach yours and climb in, sitting yourself on the pilot seat. You raise your hands up and down clicking and flipping switches in front of you and above you. The ship begins humming to life as the lights begin glowing a deep red inside.

You were a talented pilot yourself and have fought countless times with your ship but it was different this time. You've never had to defend The Supremacy and the importance of saving your home was making you nervous.

"It's okay. You can do this." You tried to reassure yourself.

Kylo makes it to the hangar and was able to spot you just before you got into your ship. He becomes uneasy as he realizes that you were really going out there to face a whole Resistance fleet.

"No..(y/n)." Is all he could say out loud.

He starts to take large strides to reach you before you took off but it was too late. Your ship hovers off the floor and zooms out into the vastness of space.

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