Chapter 21

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You begin gripping your lightsaber in your hand more tightly than you already were. You feel that pull in the force again but stronger this time. You shake your head once more to try clear your head.

"What's wrong?" Kylo asked, feeling your agitation again.

"Nothing." You lied.

"Alright." You quickly spoke out loud as you spin your body around to the stormtroopers behind you. "On my signal you four, along with the other two troopers over there will cover Kylo and I until we find an opening to stop them..once we do, stop firing. We will kill them ourselves."

"Yes Commander." They responded readying their blasters in front of them.

You turn back around towards the fight and then take one more glimpse at Kylo next to you. He returns your gaze and gives you a single nod, signaling that he was ready. You look back in front of you and let out a quick breath.

"Now!" You shouted.

The stormtroopers behind you begin firing towards the pilots as they carefully walked their way over to the other troopers.

The pilots snap their attention to their right to see who else was firing at them but then see you and Kylo walking towards them, instantly they start shooting in your direction. You and Kylo twirl your lightsabers' in front of your bodies to block the incoming hits.

"I told you we should've killed her!" Keira shouted as she fires another shot.

"I can't get even get a good hit when those bucket heads are overwhelming us like this!" The Duros complained, not stopping his fire.

"Probos, you focus your blasts on the troopers.. Keira and I will focus on the Commander and whoever her new friend is." The man ordered them.

They both nod their head in response and did as they were told but their efforts were in vain. They still couldn't handle the amount of firepower that was coming from the troopers and also the shots that were being returned to them as they bounced back from yours and Kylo's lightsabers'.

"Use the force as soon as you get an opportunity." You internally spoke to Kylo.

"Understood." He replied.

One of the shots being fired by the troopers behind you and Kylo hits the raven haired pilot on his shoulder, causing him to drop his blaster and move his hand towards his injury. Kylo blocks one last hit with a swing of his lightsaber and then extends his other arm out in front of him. The man gets pushed back to the half burned down wall behind him.

"Zander!" The girl yelled as she looked back at him.

The stormtroopers cease their fire just as you had ordered when they see Kylo make his move. The Duros stops firing as well to look over and see why the girl had yelled. Without second thinking it you wave your hand to the side, causing the Duros to slam into the wall next to him.

The girl snaps her head to her side. "Probos!"

Both her companions were knocked out from the impact.

She fixes her gaze back in front of her and raises her blaster, aiming it at you again but you quickly move your hand towards her. Her arm shoots back down to her side and she freezes in her spot. Her eyes widen as she looks down at her paralyzed body.

You speak over your shoulder to the stormtroopers behind you. "Bring them out."

They stand back up from behind the debris and make their way inside the ruins of the home. Each stormtrooper grabs an arm of a pilot. You let go of your own hold on the girl as soon as she had a pair of troopers grab her. They drag them all out and throw them back on the ground in front of you and Kylo.

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