Chapter 9

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Kylo greets you at the hangar of the Supremacy as you walk down the ramp of your personal ship.

His mechanical voice speaks before you could tease him on how he was waiting for you. "How did it go?"

"A few casualties on our end, but it's nothing compared to what we did to that base. I wish you had came with me though, it would've been fun to have another force wielder in battle with me." You lightly grin at him as you rest your hands on your hips.

A smile grows on Kylo's face as he thought about you two fighting together, side by side. He would defend you and make sure to rip through anyone who dared touch you.

"Yes well maybe once I finish constructing my lightsaber I will be able to join you."

"When do you think-"

Suddenly an officer comes up from behind you and interrupts you. "Commander (l/n)."

You angrily draw your eyebrows together and without turning you use your force to choke him. You begin to hear him struggling to take a breath in.

You snap your body around to look at him. His hands were up to his throat, trying to free himself from the tightening feeling around his neck.

Kylo was so mesmerized by how strong and ruthless you were, making his feelings for you only grow more. 

"What could be so important that you felt the need to rudely interrupt me?!" You finally free him from your invisible grasp.

He drops down to his knees and begins gasping for air. "Supreme Leader he-" He stops to let a breath fill his lungs. "He is making contact from Starkiller Base and he wishes to speak to you." Another deep breath is inhaled.

You had almost forgot that Snoke existed with how much of a good time you were having with Kylo.

"Very well. I will take his call at the Command Center." You annoyingly roll your eyes as you look back at Kylo. "I'm afraid I have to cut this conversation short."

Kylo becomes disappointed since he wanted to spend more time with you, apart from the training sessions.

"I understand." He nods his head.

You walk past the officer that was still panting on the ground, leaving him with Kylo. He slowly lifts his head to look up at the black, empty holes in Kylo's mask. Kylo looks down at him with his hands folded behind his back and stares at him for a while, enjoying the fear that was radiating from the man.

"Pathetic." He says, breaking the silence and walking off.

You walk in to the Command Center. This was always your favorite part of the ship because of the large viewport that was in the front, allowing you to take in the sight of the whole galaxy. You stand in the middle of the room happily gazing at the stars.

Snoke's huge, blue hologram appears before you, blocking your view. "Young (y/n), I regret to inform you that my return will need to be delayed."

You feel yourself become overwhelmed with joy at his announcement. That means you would have more time with Kylo without Snoke lingering around.

"Why is that? Is there something wrong?" You ask pretending to put on a voice of concern.

"Nothing I cannot fix myself but you will need to keep training the boy for the time being. How is he doing in his teachings so far?"

"He's learning very quickly, Supreme Leader." You rest one wrist over the other behind your back. "You will be very satisfied with his progress by the time that you return."

"Good, I want you to move on to his combat lessons. Teach him how to use his body, his force and lightsaber when fighting."

"As you wish, master." Nodding your head at him as his hologram disappears.

You leave the room to walk to Kylo's quarters but midway you realize how late it is and decide to give him the news tomorrow instead. You were tired from your mission anyway and sleep was starting to take over your body.

You wave your hand over your door, too lazy to type in your code on the pad. Walking in, you head to your bathroom right away to wash the sweat and dirt off you. You quickly change into a black silky spaghetti-strapped shirt and pants and fall fast asleep on your bed with a smile on your face.

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I know this chapter had almost no Kylo but it's because I'm saving him for what's going to happen in the next chapter... what could it be?? ;)

Also, I want to know if you guys like long chapters or prefer for me to just keep it short and sweet? Please comment and let me know because I keep fighting with myself over this :(

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