Chapter 27

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Kylo finally reaches the med bay and slides the large door open with the force before walking in. He sees a few white uniformed personnel on his right that were tending to patients on the beds lined up in a row. They all quickly look up with bulged eyes at the sight in front of them and rush over to Kylo, stopping in front of him.

"What happened?" A dark skinned man asked.

"Snoke." Kylo simply responded.

That was all he needed to say for them to understand. You have been here before from your past altercations with him but never has anyone seen you passed out from your injurie, making them wonder just what Snoke did to you this time.

Another man with salt and pepper colored hair reaches his arms out, trying to take you from Kylo's arms but he quickly takes a slight step back as he gently gripped you in his hold. The man squeezes his hands shut and drops his arms back to his sides, not daring to reach out any further.

"We need to tend to her." The curly haired woman next to the men calmly said.

He knew that. That's what he came here for, but still he did not want anyone else to carry you, not when you looked so fragile. He felt that only he knew how to carefully hold you at the moment.

"Just tell me where to place her." Kylo responded.

The man that tried to take you speaks up.

"Follow me then." He huffed.

He turns around and walks toward a hallway on the left side where the private rooms were located. He grabs a card from the pocket of his white shirt and waves it over the pad next to the door, sliding it open and then steps aside for Kylo to walk in. Kylo takes large strides to the bed located on the other side of the large white room and bends his upper body down to carefully place you on top of it.

The woman from before walks in and gasps as she sees the blood on Kylo's back, making him snap up to his full height. He slowly turns his head around before turning his body as well to face her.

"We need to help you with that as well." She muttered with round eyes.

She didn't know wether her shock was from the severity of how his wounds looked or the way he menacingly turned his tall body around to look at her.. maybe both.

Kylo shakes his head. "I'm fine.. she's the one that needs attention."

"I will tend to her." She said. "You can get checked up in the next room."

Kylo's shoulders tense up as he didn't want to leave you.

She picks up on it and tries to reassure him. "I'll take good care of her, I promise."

Kylo hesitates but the painful burning of his wounds were not stopping. He felt it beginning from the edge of his left shoulder all the way down to where his belt was. He hesitantly nods his head, slowing turning around and walking out as a medical droid hovers past him with a tray full of medical supplies into your room.

He looks over his shoulder to take one last glimpse at you before the door slides shut again. Kylo dreadfully sighs and walks over to the next room, waving his hand to slide the door open. He steps into the large room that looked just like yours and trudges toward the bed, sitting on it as soon as he reached.

The dark skinned man from before walks in shortly after with his own tray of supplies, stopping in front of Kylo.

He clears his throat. "Hello.. I'm Kanan."

Kylo stays silent behind his menacing mask as he looked upon the man.

"So Corinne tells me you have some wounds on your back to tend to." Kanan continued.

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