Chapter 39

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"Come in, home base." The uniformed officer breathed into his communicator.

"This is General Leía, what is your position?"

"I got past the troopers that were standing guard, hid them away from view, and just made it to Snoke's throne room." He whispered as he bent down in front of the doors. "Commander (l/n) and Kylo Ren are in there right now."

Leía hesitates at the mention of her son, blinking rapidly as she tries to gather her thoughts again.

"They're three of the most important people of The First Order." Leía responded. "Surely they will mention their biggest asset in this meeting."

"I'll try to find out as much as I can about Starkiller Base."

He grabs a small, round device from his back pocket, sticking it onto the door in front of him.

"Just don't get caught, you're our only spy on that ship." Leía said with worry. "Get the information and get back to your position as soon as your done."

"Understood." He said, turning on the device on the door as he sticks an earpiece in his ear.

You shake your head at Snoke's words. "Truth about what?"

"Don't listen to him, (y/n). He's just trying to buy himself time." Kylo said as he walked to your side.

"Many things..." He stands from his seat, ignoring Kylo's comment. "That I have withheld from you for many years."

"Like the truth about my lineage?" You scoffed. "I don't need you to tell me where I come from.. I am the daughter of Demeter and Kane. Granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Snoke is taken back at your knowledge, not being able to hide the surprise in his face and it brought a smirk to your lips but it becomes short lived when you hear the rumbling laughter that emerges from him.

"Oh aren't you the wise one?" He continued to chuckle. "Finding a mere jigsaw piece that is part of a much bigger picture."

"You're speaking whatever lie you can think of right now to save yourself." Kylo snarled.

Snoke hums in amusement as he wills your lightsaber along with Kylo's away from your hands' and into his. He lets them fall carelessly onto the steps of his throne. With a flick of his finger, you both get thrown back onto your backs with groans of pain and with a raise of his hands you and Kylo get brought back on your feet again in just mere seconds.

"How reckless, to think that you can take me." He steps down from his throne to walk closer. "But I praise the confidence you carry."

He stops a few steps away from you both. "It is not a lie that I never truly meant to dispose either of you."

"Is that so?" You replied. "What were your guards' purpose when they came after us then? Were they meant to give us a hug?"

"Ever so willful as always, little one." He said, grabbing your chin between his fingers as you hold your stance, biting your tounge and curling your hands into fists to keep from doing or saying anything.

Kylo tenses up when he looks upon the scene. His body slightly twitches as his instincts start to take over, urging him to do something about it.

Snoke glances over at him. "Down, boy before you do something you'll regret."

He lets go of you and turns around, walking back up the steps to sit on his throne again.

"This was all but a test to see if the bond the force made between you two could be of use to me." He said, throwing himself back into his seat. "And I knew it could when I saw you both fighting like that, empowering one another, feeding off the emotions you have for each other- well I've just never seen anything quite like it before!"

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