Chapter 11

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The surprise of Kylo being in your room and shirtless nonetheless causes you to forget the fact that you were crying.

While he was trying to come up with a way to tell you about his discovery, you quickly try to wipe away the tears that had been falling down your cheeks.

But he didn't need to see your tears because you know he could feel you. You begin to focus on the walls around your mind but Kylo quickly interrupts you in the middle of it.

"Stop." He quickly gets up from the chair he was sitting in and starts walking up to your bed once again.

"Stop what?" You innocently asked.

"Stop trying to block me off. You don't need to do that."

You fold your legs underneath you and turn to face Kylo. "Well it seems that I always need to put in an extra effort to block off my mind from you. Its strange.. I've never had a problem keeping someone out but with you there's something different. You must be very powerful in the force."

"It has something to do with the force, yes. But it's not because of my strength in it."

"What do you mean?" You asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.

He lets out a deep sigh and looks to the ground. "I don't know how to tell you."

Kylo is scared to see how you'll react over your force bond with him. If you looked at it in a negative way it would surely break his heart. But the force doesn't make mistakes.. if it connected you and him, it had to have been for a reason.

"Kylo you're in my room without a shirt on, in the middle of the night. I think I deserve an explanation as to why."

"A disturbance in the force woke me up," He abruptly stated, picking up his head to look at you. "and then I began to feel pain and fear that wasn't my own. When I turned over in my bed, I saw you laying there and I realized that those feelings, they were coming from you. You were sleeping but there were still tears coming from your eyes. I didn't know how you had came onto my bed but you were suffering so I didn't care. I just wanted to wake you up from whatever nightmare you were having. I wanted to make it stop."

Your eyes begin widening as he was talking. You already knew where this was going, you knew what this meant.

"I reached over but my hand went right through you.. that's when I knew what was happening."

"A force bond?" You questioned. He nods his head in response. "But why would the force be connecting us?"

Kylo shrugs his shoulders. "I'm not sure. But that explains why I have been able to sense your force so easily. Why I was able to see what was in your mind when no one else could, that very first day I met you.."

"Why I always had to make the walls around my mind higher and stronger to keep you out since then." You interrupted him in disbelief.

He just gives you a simple nod. You look to the ground, squinting your eyes as you're trying to take everything in.

Kylo sees this and begins to feel disappointment since this is what he was afraid of from the very start. His mind starts jumping to conclusions. From the look on your face it seems like you didn't want to have this bond with him. Where he felt excitement, you probably felt anguish.

You look up at him as you begin to hear his thoughts. "Kylo.. I'm just shocked." You said, shaking your head. "I never thought that I would ever experience having a force bond with someone. I always thought that I was doomed to live out my days on this ship with Snoke being the only living thing I would ever be close to."

You gave a short chuckle at that last part, feeling sad for yourself that it was true that a monster like Snoke was the only thing that has came close to you having a companionship.

Kylo's eyebrows pulled together as he stared at you sympathetically. You didn't need to be alone anymore or bury your feelings with no one to talk to them about. He wanted to be the one that could be there for you when you needed him, when you needed someone to confide in.

"I know what it's like to think that you're never going to have someone to put your trust into. I know that horrible feeling that being alone brings. But I want to be there for you in whatever way you need me to if you'll allow it." He slightly shakes his head. "You're not alone. Not anymore."

You felt like your heart was going to burst from his words. No one has expressed any kind of compassion towards you ever since you've arrived on this ship.. ever since your parents died. You had forgot what that felt like, but you were still uneasy about this.

You always put up a cold front, always made sure no one saw the conflict that lived deep inside you. Were you really going to let him change that? Someone you hardly knew? But you had already let him change that ever since the first time you saw him.

You blink away the tears and clear your throat, trying to make sure your voice didn't crack when you talked.

"You're not alone either. If the force connected us, it had to have been for a reason and you're right. Maybe this is why." You gave him a half smile in which he returned to you as well.

"But at this moment it's still very late and you're still very shirtless." You said as you let out a laugh.

Kylo mimicks your laugh as he felt his cheeks get hot, blushing over the reminder that he still was not wearing a shirt.

"Sorry. Yes, I should get back to my quarters before officers start roaming the halls. I don't want them to get the wrong idea if they see me leaving your room like this." He said, scratching the back of his head with his fingers.

You feel your face go red and quickly bend your head down to try to hide it. "Hmm yea. Wouldn't want Snoke to be hearing any rumors such as that. Go.. rest for our session tomorrow."

"You will be alright?" He asked.

"Yes, I will be fine." You promised as you look back up at him. "Goodnight Kylo."

"Goodnight (y/n)." He gives you one last smile before turning around and exiting your quarters.

Hearing his voice say your name for the first time sounded so sweet, so safe. You couldn't believe how deeply and quickly you were falling for this man. The rest of the night you slept soundly with a grin never leaving your face. Your nightmare didn't return.

Kylo walks back inside to his own quarters and lets himself fall onto his bed. He shifts to lay on his side so that he could look at the empty pillow. How he wished that you were still laying there so that he could feel the warmth your skin gives off, so that he could hear your slow breaths as you sleep. But for now he's still internally thanking the force for finally giving him something good.

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Did you guys notice that I photoshopped Kylo's scar out of the picture so that it would be more accurate with the chapter? Cause that's just how weird I am

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