Chapter 33

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The first sight you take in is of the missing five slanted marks that weren't on his back anymore.. only the blood that had been smeared against his skin remained.

Emotions of joy and shock overwhelm you, causing you to scrap away what you had just heard. You gasp with a smile as you remove a glove from your hand and rub his back in disbelief but Kylo didn't twitch in pain and you only felt the smoothness of his skin.

He stands up and turns around with a smile from ear to ear. "You did it."

You get up on your knees as your face lights up. "I did!"

Standing up and jumping off your bed, you quickly head over to your kitchen and get a bowl from one of your cabinets, filling it up with water from the sink. You grab a towel from the counter and head back to Kylo, still standing next to your bed as his warm gaze followed you.

"Here let me clean it up for you." You said as you go around him.

"Thank you, (y/n)." He softly said.

"Of course." You responded.

You wet the towel with the water and then squeeze it to remove the excess water, having it fall back inside the bowl. You place it onto his back, rubbing back and forth, clearing away the deep redness of his blood to reveal his milky skin.

Actually now that your mind was clear of the task that was at hand, you couldn't help but admire that fact that he was shirtless in front of you again and you also couldn't help but notice how muscular his back looks. His whole body was so defined and toned.. his now wet skin was glistening under the dim lights of your room while his broad shoulders slowly rose and fell with every steady breath he took.

Your wandering gaze becomes interrupted as Kylo turns around with a playful grin and you feel all the blood rush to your cheeks, making them grow hot and pink. 

Clearing your throat, you turn to your nightstand that was behind you to place the bowl there, only to turn back around to see that Kylo had gotten closer to you. His smirk was gone as he now had lust written on his face, his eyes were filled with passion as they locked onto you.

"I feel it too." He said, his voice sounding particularly husky.

Wanting to play oblivious, you raise an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kylo lets out a quiet exhalation of amusement as he continued to scan you. You were still fully clothed in your usual uniform but it's tight fit still very much complimented your body type. He moves his hand up to your face, tucking strands of hair behind your ear and steps even closer to you, just a few inches away as you could feel the warmth radiating off his body.

"I don't need to read your thoughts." He trails his hand down your arm as he holds his gaze on you. "I can see it in your eyes as you see it in mine."

The emotions you both were feeling causes any other thought and worry to wither away as you and Kylo were solely focused one each other. You were like snow melting in the palm of his hand as you had never been more nervous than you were at this moment but even so, you decide to throw caution to the wind and give in to your desires.

You move your hand to clutch the back of his head, entangling your fingers into his long dark hair that you loved so much. You push him down to you until your lips crash, your eyes instantly closing at the sensation. Kylo doesn't hesitate to hungrily move his lips against yours as he shut his own eyes and places his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him.

Without breaking the kiss, Kylo drags his hands down to your thighs and lifts you up into his arms so effortlessly. You part your lips as you gasp against the kiss and wrap your legs around his torso. He turns around and steps over to your bed, still tasting your lips on his as he carefully lays you on the mattress.

He pulls away from your lips only to pepper your neck with soft kisses, making you arch your neck to give him more access. He moves his hand down to pull off your remaining glove with ease and then to your torso to remove your belt, clipping it off. You run a hand down his bicep as you were slipping into euphoria with each second. The room was silent except for the heavy breaths of you and Kylo as you both surrendered yourselves to each other. 



That's prob the closest I'll get to writing "smut/lemon" or whatever it's called nowadays lol

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